Reaching for the Clouds: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing Presented by: Martin Taylor, Director
TM Cloud “Communications Integration”™ provider, delivering: – Multi-channel contact centre – Mass personalised customer self-service – PCI secure payments – Integration to CRM, ERP, WFM Services provided via storm ® platform. Content Guru Company Overview Established 2005
TM Content Guru Example Customers
TM Macro Factors Welfare Reform Act Social housing grants Increasing customer service expectations Cloud provides ICT options to meet these pressures. Cloud: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing
TM Cloud: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing Contexts – Welfare Reform Act Rollout began February 2015; full migration end of June 2017 Increased obligations to remind, chase and collect Traditional payment systems no longer effective – a reliable, cloud payment system can be considered.
TM Contexts – Welfare Reform Act “Landlord transaction costs and rent collection costs increase, as does the resource required to manage direct payment. IT systems are likely to need upgrading or renewing, and some tenants need support to help them manage" DWP Report Cloud: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing Cloud services can provide new, efficient ways of collecting rent, with tenant-friendly support mechanisms to encourage timely payments.
TM Contexts – Social Housing Grants Social housing grants to be reviewed at end of 2015 Housing providers must become more business-like Cloud services enable overlay of CRM and resource planning systems, increasing efficiency. Cloud: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing
TM Contexts – Multi-Channel Expectations Customers demand high-quality service at any time across any medium: social media, , voice call Manual processes for feedback and customer service can be phased out and improved Cloud services converge data and information across multiple channels, leading to enhanced customer engagement and continual service optimisation. Cloud: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing
TM Demolish the Siloes Need to improve ICT while reducing operational costs Multiple data systems and multiple channels of communication risk introducing dangerous siloes Cloud communications overlay existing systems and are charged on an OpEx basis. Cloud: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing
TM Information and Communication Siloes Resilience Security Data Systems Phone Systems Payment Services Social Media Other Comms Channels Cloud: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing
TM Information and Communication Siloes Resilience Security Data Systems Phone Systems Payment Services Social Media Other Comms Channels Cloud Cloud: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing
TM Conclusions Transform customer interactions through unifying data, communications and human resources Compliant payments across relevant channels, with automated reminders and escalation Increase automation of standard processes to enhance efficiency, and deliver higher customer satisfaction. Cloud: Technology for Great Customer Service in Housing
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