NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Superstructure and Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Herkimer, Oneida, and Schoharie Counties Request for Qualifications Informational Summary
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Project Overview Quality Control & Quality Assurance Procurement
Peter Russell Attn: Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 and 9, Project Procurement Office of Contracts New York State Department of Transportation 50 Wolf Road, 6 th Floor Albany, New York Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Procurement Contact
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN ,D900022) Project Overview General Location Goals General Scope of Work Utilities Quality Control & Quality Assurance Procurement
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) General Location
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Goals Replace four Superstructures and two Bridges in Regions 2 and 9 Ensure coordination with all utility owners, third parties and any adjacent construction projects Ensure a long-service life for all Project elements to satisfy long term preservation goals Maximize the benefit of the public investment in the Project and provide the best value to the Department Deliver the Project safely, on schedule & within budget
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) General Scope of Work Replace one superstructure in Herkimer County Replace one superstructure in Oneida County Replace two superstructures in Schoharie County Replace two bridges in Oneida County Maintain traffic throughout construction Avoid existing environmental constraints Threatened and endangered species Farmlands Wetlands
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) General Scope of Work (Continued) Relocation and/or preservation of existing utilities Remediation and disposal of any asbestos containing materials Mitigation of any environmental impacts as required by regulatory agencies
Ensure coordination with all utility owners Existing Utilities listed in the Design Approval Documents NYSDOT staff will conduct preliminary coordination with utility owners prior to RFP Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Utility Coordination - Relocation and/or Preservation of Existing Utilities Three Way Coordination – DB, Utility & State DB Responsibilities DB Team responsible for holding utility coordination meetings DB Team to provide supporting documents for utility design, including: plans, Table of Conflicts & Special Note of Utility Coordination Table of Conflicts to include existing & proposed locations. Assume Preliminary and Final Special Note of Utility Coordination must include work description, proposed locations and time frames
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Agenda Introductions and Opening Remarks Project Overview Quality Control & Quality Assurance Procurement
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Quality Control (QC) QC is Design-Builder’s Responsibility Design-Builder shall be required to develop a QC Plan covering both Design QC and Construction QC Design-Builder shall appoint a QC Manager responsible for Project QC Design QC shall be by the Designer in accordance with the QC Plan Construction Inspection shall be by an Independent Engineering Firm (Hired by the Design-Builder) Materials Testing shall be by an Independent Testing Firm or Laboratory (Hired by the Design-Builder) The Materials Testing Firm shall report to the Construction Inspection Firm
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Quality Assurance (QA) Design & Construction QA is Department’s Responsibility The Department may perform QA on any of the Design- Builder’s Design and Construction Activities including off- site Fabrication The Department may utilize an independent Consultant to perform QA of the Design-Builder’s Designs Department Staff will perform Construction QA RFQ Section 1.9 covers QA/QC RFP will describe in detail the Department’s QA Role for the Project
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Agenda Introductions and Opening Remarks Project Overview Quality Control & Quality Assurance Procurement Schedule Contract Information SOQ Evaluation and Selection Additional Information and Website
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Procurement Schedule ActivityDue Date Final RFQ Released May 28, 2014 Final Date for receipt of Proposer’s questions June 13, 2014 Issue Date for Final Addendum to the RFQ and/or answers to Proposer’s questions June 18, 2014 SOQ Due Date July 2, 2014 Shortlisted DB Teams Announced (3 to 5 Teams) July, 2014 Draft RFP Issued August, 2014 Draft RFP Informational Meeting August, 2014 Final RFP to Shortlisted Firms September, 2014 Proposals Due November, 2014 Selection of Best Value Proposal November, 2014 Contract Award January, 2015 Notice to Proceed February, 2015
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Contract Information Lump Sum Design-Build Contract Two Step Design-Build Procurement Process Project Schedule Total Duration 24 Months +/- There will be a Payment Schedule provided in the RFP Stipend Amount shall not exceed $50,000 Liquidated Damages may be imposed for missed milestones and/or missed Project completion date ROW acquisition will be required for BIN’s and and will be completed by NYSDOT staff Construction Related Permits (i.e., Staging Area) by Design-Builder
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) SOQ Evaluation and Selection Pass/Fail Evaluation Factors Legal; Financial; Backlog Capacity; Vendor Responsibility; and Quality Evaluation Factors Organization and Key Personnel (30%) Experience of the Firms (25%) Project Understanding (10%) Past Performance (30%) Compliance with SOQ Format and Organization (5%)
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Additional Information Responses to Questions will be posted on the Project Web Site Final date for receipt of Questions on RFQ June 13, 2014 There will be a Buy America Clause There will be a DBE Participation Goal defined in the RFP RFQ Section 1.10 covers Insurance & Bonding
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Additional Information (continued) Reference Information which has been or will be posted on the Project Web Site: Final Design Reports As-Built Record Plans for all sites Bridge Inspection Reports for all sites Geotechnical Soil Boring Logs for the full bridge replacements Existing surface DTM and Microstation files for the full bridge replacements Existing highway boundaries and ROW acquisition maps Hydraulic Cross Sections for the full bridge replacements Asbestos Survey Reports Indicative Structure plans for BIN
Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Project Website & Questions Link to Project Website: Questions: During the RFQ stage, questions should be submitted in writing to the Department’s designated contact, who is listed in the RFQ Appendix A, on slide 3 and the following slide.
Peter Russell Attn: Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 &9, Project Procurement Office of Contracts New York State Department of Transportation 50 Wolf Road, 6 th Floor Albany, New York Superstructure & Bridge Replacements in Regions 2 & 9 Design-Build Project (PIN , D900022) Procurement Contact