Active Safety Systems + EHN1: Draft EN/EL proposal for replacement of Nano PLC 1.Current situation 2.Requirements definition 3.Current solutions (Atlas/CMS) 4.Outline Proposal 5.Timescale for implementation
EHN1 North, current configuration - Sketch Barracks PLC Nano concentrator Three concentrators, lots of barracks. Unknown + hard to manage mapping to electrical system Integration of fire detection = extra complexity. 1. Current situation Draft
1.Current situation Nano installations: East Hall – EBC26*EH(EP-T7), EBC27*EH(EP-T8), EBC28*EH(EP-T10), EBC29*EH(EP-T11 Cloud), EBC30*EH(EP-T9), EBC31*EH(EP-T7), EBC35*EH(EP-T9). West Hall – EXC8*WH, EXC21*WH AD Hall – EXC11*49(ASACUSA), EXC15*49(ATRAP), EXC18*49 EHN1 – EXC404/HN1, EXC414/HN1(HNA903), EXC418/HN1(HNA903) Signals: AUL chain activation, Temperature alarm (2 thresholds), Fire detection, Gas Detection, Loss of power (220V), external AUL input, external Gas input, external AUL secondary input, external Gas secondary input, power trip, Air conditioning loss of power. Draft
EHN1 North, current configuration - Sketch Barracks PLC Nano concentrator Three concentrators, lots of barracks. Unknown + hard to manage mapping to electrical system Integration of fire detection = extra complexity. Due to complex mapping, in the event of AUL activation, fire alarm or technical fault, identification to level of sensor is very difficult! 1. Current situation Draft
2. Requirements definition Compliance with IS5 Compatible with Functional specification: Requirements for Active Safety Systems of the General Infrastructure in Secondary Beam Areas (EDMS ) Experimental and user requirements? Draft
3. Current solutions (Atlas/CMS) “Twido” Box Circuit breakers Electrical power supply End user rack Electrical monitoring (SCADA) Experimental Monitoring DCS Experimental Control (DSS/DCS) Rack Experimental control of circuit breaker state “AUE” for rack Local feedback from rack (fans/temperature) Control signals from experiment (on/off) from either: DSS DCS Both, in some cases Useful, but not directly relevant? On/Off Off Status Draft
EHN1 North, Proposal & relocation - Sketch Barracks AUL plug & play box One box per barracks, can be looped together if multiple barracks used for same experiment. AUL functionality for each barrack individually handled by dedicated box. No connection to other systems (Fire, Temperature, etc.) 4. Outline proposal Draft
EHN1 North, Proposal & relocation - Sketch Barracks AUL plug & play box One box per barracks, can be looped together if multiple barracks used for same experiment. AUL functionality for each barrack individually handled by dedicated box. No connection to other systems (Fire, Temperature, etc.) Simplified topology, 1:1 mapping of boxes to barracks, each box has indicator light to indicate origin of AUL activation or fault. 4. Outline proposal Draft
EHN1 - Existing 800A/1600A Canalis Distribution EHN1 – Consolidation power distribution proposal: 25 year life extension for electrical systems, full replacement of most items. Distribution philosophy: East/West side high power canalis, no more dedicated cabling from BA81 (>100m). Enhanced flexibility, for current and future use. Examples: 1 connection point per barracks + supply to associated experimental zone. 2 barracks + 1 experimental zone. 1 barrack, no experimental zone. Canalis tap-off 400A-160A supply Barrack/Experimental zone 4. Outline proposal Draft
EHN1 - Existing 800A/1600A Canalis Distribution AUL zones linked to reflect functional requirements. 4. Outline proposal Draft
EHN1 - ExistingEHN1 - Extension 800A/1600A Canalis Distribution Consolidation principle valid for application to EHN1 Extension: 4. Outline proposal Draft
Consolidation principle valid for application to EHN1 Extension: 4. Outline proposal Draft
AUL distribution box concept: AUL Chain (Barrack or Experiment) AUL Circuit Chain (Next box or interlock) AUL Output to EXD, EBD or Canalis tap-off AUL Circuit Chain (Next box or interlock) AUL Trip indicator LED/LAMP Lamp test button AUL Buttons Trip indicator reset (with key) 4. Outline proposal Reserve Draft
AULx1 EXD/Canalis Tap Off + MN 48V AULx2 EXD/Canalis Tap Off + MN AUL button action illuminates indicator in local box only to facilitate location of the incident. AUL distribution box concept: 4. Outline proposal Terminals at switchboard for Experiment/Explosive Gas/Etc. interlock acting directly Draft
EHN1 north wall dismantling – December > February Schedule Draft