MARK McGEEHAN Assistant Manager, Procurement Services 3 plus years with UNB 28 years in Healthcare Procurement Current member of APPA (Atlantic Public Procurement Association)
PURCHASING AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY Procurement Services is responsible for the oversight and management of all procurement activities at the University. Procurement is conducted in accordance with the Procurement Policies and Procedures of the University, The Public Procurement Act and Atlantic Procurement Agreement. Procurement Services is the only department authorized to make procurement commitments on behalf of the University.
PURCHASING CATEGORIES The process to be followed in purchasing goods and services depends upon the estimated dollar value of the proposed purchase. Estimated costs must include the price of the goods or service, all taxes, freight charges, insurance, customs and other related costs.
PURCHASES UNDER $2, Purchases with an estimated value under $2, must be affected by means of an Internal Purchase Requisition leading to the creation of a UNB Purchase Order. Written quotations are not required: however, it is recommended that more than one supplier be considered for the supply of the product or service to maximize value.
PURCHASES OVER $2, THAT DO NOT REQUIRE THE BID PROCESS Purchases with an estimated value within the following ranges must be initiated by an Internal Purchase Requisition and requires a minimum of two written quotations. – Goods$2, > $ 25, – Services$2, > $ 50, – Construction$2, > $100,000.00
PURCHASES REQUIRING A BID PROCESS To comply with the requirements of the Public Purchasing Act, the Atlantic Procurement Agreement and the Agreement on Internal Trade, purchases with an estimated value that exceeds the set UNB Procurement thresholds must be made following a Public Tender, Public Vendor Qualification Process or a Request for Proposals process as determined by Procurement Services.
BID PROCESS THRESHOLDS Goods$ 25, Services$ 50, Construction$100, Purchase requirements over these thresholds cannot be divided to avoid the competitive process and any attempt to do so is in direct violation of UNB policy and the Public Purchasing Act.
BIDS PROCESS To initiate a purchase using a bid process, employees may submit a completed Internal Requisition or contact Procurement Services to determine which bid process will be used. – A public tender/Request for Proposal – A public vendor qualification
PUBLIC TENDER/REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Formal solicitation document inviting binding proposals for delivery of goods, services, and/or construction. This process is used primarily for those situations where generic specifications or requirements are used to obtain products or services which best meets their needs. UNB follows a strict set of procedures regarding the receipt, custody and opening of bids
PUBLIC VENDOR QUALIFICATIONS A process during which vendors are prequalified before they are able to participate in the bid process. This document solicits vendors for the purpose of identifying and prequalifying capable vendors based on specific criteria.
BID PROCESS TIMELINES 1.Department to establish an estimated value(usually list price) of Goods or Services. 2.Department requests Bid template document from Procurement Services. 3.Department adjusts template, including evaluation criteria and returns it to Procurement Services for review and final approval. 4.Procurement Services posts the approved bid document on the New Brunswick Opportunities Network(NBON) for a minimum of 17 days.
BID PROCESS TIMELINES(con’t) 5. Submissions are received by Procurement Services on or before the closing date and time. 6.Procurement Services reviews the submissions for compliance based on mandatory requirements as set out in the bid document. 7.Department signs out submission documents from Procurement Services for evaluation. 8.Department reviews and scores each submission based on the evaluation criteria as set out in the bid document.
BID PROCESS TIMELINES(con’t) 9. Department makes an award recommendation to Procurement Services and forwards an authorized/approved Internal Purchase Requisition for the creation of a purchase order. 10. All respondents are contacted by Procurement Services informing them of the successful bidder. 11. Award is posted on NBON and a purchase order is created and sent to the vendor. This creates the contract between the University and the vendor.
BID PROCESS EXEMPTIONS Sole Source – Goods or services can only be provided by a single source. A valid explanation is required. Match Existing – Goods or services that must match existing goods or services. Research Integrity – Specific vendor must be used to maintain the integrity of a research project. Unique Qualities – This is mainly used when entering into a service contract with an individual that has Unique Qualities for a specific project(sole source). Any exemptions must be approved by Procurement.