Thanksgiving is Coming!! Let ’ s Have A Big Feast! Let ’ s Have A Big Feast!
What Are You Thankful for? (Allen and Nick are talking about Thanksgiving.) (Allen and Nick are talking about Thanksgiving.) Allen: Nick, what will you do tomorrow? Allen: Nick, what will you do tomorrow? Nick: I ’ ll go home for Thanksgiving. Nick: I ’ ll go home for Thanksgiving. Allen: What ’ s Thanksgiving? Allen: What ’ s Thanksgiving? Nick: It ’ s a holiday to give thanks. We ’ ll have a big dinner — turkey, pumpkin pie, and … Do you want to come? Nick: It ’ s a holiday to give thanks. We ’ ll have a big dinner — turkey, pumpkin pie, and … Do you want to come? Allen: I ’ d love to. Thank you. Allen: I ’ d love to. Thank you.
What Are You Thankful for? (Allen ’ s at Nick ’ s house.) (Allen ’ s at Nick ’ s house.) Allen: Wow. It ’ s a beautiful house. Allen: Wow. It ’ s a beautiful house. Nick: Thank you. How about a tour? Nick: Thank you. How about a tour? Allen: Sure. Allen: Sure. Nick: This is the living room, and that is my bedroom. Nick: This is the living room, and that is my bedroom.
What Are You Thankful for? Allen: Where ’ s your mom? Allen: Where ’ s your mom? Nick: She ’ s in the kitchen. Nick: She ’ s in the kitchen. Allen: What ’ s she doing? Allen: What ’ s she doing? Nick: She ’ s baking corn bread. Nick: She ’ s baking corn bread. Allen: Look! What are they doing? Allen: Look! What are they doing? Nick: Oh, the cats are eating Thanksgiving dinner, too. Nick: Oh, the cats are eating Thanksgiving dinner, too.