Mr. Collins’ Grade Two Young Scientist at Work This month and next we will be exploring the qualities of solids and liquids. We will be reading, writing and conducting many hands-on activities about the properties of a solid and a liquid. During this time we’ll also talk about the scientific process of observing, recording, and making predictions. Thank you Student-Led Conferences went very well thanks to all of your participation. I know that the students particularly enjoyed showing you the Microscope station. If you need additional information about progress or classroom routines please feel free to me or stop by to make an appointment.
Homework Reading Log Students are given reading homework each night with the exception of Friday. Sustained reading should last between 15 and 20 minutes. Reading doesn’t always have to be done silently. In fact, reading aloud is a great way to work on expression and fluency. After reading it’s helpful for your child to write a very quick response in the Reading Log. Responses may include the title of the story, author, characters, setting or just a very brief (1 or 2 sentence) explanation about the story.Of course reading more than the expected minutes and on weekends is helpful too. Math Math homework is given every other day with the exception of Fridays. Most often it is one page and shouldn’t more than 15 minutes to complete. Math homework that is assigned is always a concept that has already been covered in class.
November Calendar MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday 1 Day 8 Friday 2 Day 9 5 Day 10 6 Day 1 7 Day 2 8 Day 3 9 Day 4 12 Day 5 13 Day 6 14 Day 7 15 Day 8 16 Day 9 19 Day Day 1 21 Turkey Dinner in Class - Yum! Day 2 22 Thanksgiving Holiday 23 Thanksgiving Holiday 26 Day 3 27 Day 4 28 Day 5 29 Day 6 30 Day 7