S4PRC Membership Meeting September 19, 2010 Jacksonville, Florida.


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Presentation transcript:

S4PRC Membership Meeting September 19, 2010 Jacksonville, Florida

Federal Legislative Update David Ewing Consultant

Two Topics Obama Infrastructure Proposal FY 2011 Appropriations Summary

Obama Infrastructure Proposal 4,000 miles Equal footing Building on Fleet Overhaul Consolidate, stream line, prioritize

4,000 miles Commuter rail

Equal Footing Sounds like a surface transportation administration or TIGER-like approach Dedicated funding?

Building On More money $1 billion in the President’s FY 2012 Budget

Fleet Overhaul Amtrak’s Fleet plan

February 2009 Pre-ARRA After the Amtrak Legislative Proposal finalized and submitted to OMB

Fleet Plan Secular Growth

Consolidate, Streamline, Prioritize “Race to the Top Model” Consolidation implications for safety and funding

Conclusions Six Year Bill that includes intercity passenger rail Authorizations and/or FY 2012 budget process – Current extension ends

FY 2011 Summary CR

Summary FY 2011 Appropriations ProgramHouse Passed (HR 5850)Senate Committee (S3644) HSIPR$1 billion$1.4 billion Railroad Safety and Technology Grants$75 million$150 million Research and Development$40 million Rail Line Relocation Grants00

Select FY 11 Amtrak Appropriations ProgramFY10 enacted FY 11 PRIIA Authorize FY11 Amtrak request FY 11 President FY 11 House passed FY 11 Senate Committee Operating$563 M$592 M $563M Capital$594 M$1.025 B $764 M$606 M$865 M Fleet--- $446 M---$127.5 m---

Outreach Funding levels RRIF loan(s) for equipment Federal Share House Senate 90-10

Continuing Resolution (CR) Appropriators are now working on the CR, which could run until the middle of next month or after Thanksgiving. “Clean” Level of Discretionary Spending

CR Appropriators are now working on the CR, which could run until the middle of next month or after Thanksgiving. A second CR may also be needed to buy time as lawmakers work to clear the spending package before the end of the year.

CR Appropriators are now working on the CR, which could run until the middle of next month or after Thanksgiving. A second CR may also be needed to buy time as lawmakers work to clear the spending package before the end of the year. After passing the CR, Democrats are expected to assemble an omnibus package, which would include all the outstanding spending bills.

Politics If Republicans win the majority in either chamber in the November election then chances for finishing the FY11 appropriations process this year will diminish significantly. GOP lawmakers would prefer to wait until the next Congress begins in January to put their stamp on the spending bills.

Thank you