Christ Church Bells Corners Stewardship Campaign Presentation Diocesan Annual Stewardship Conference May 30, 2009
History CCBC has a 30-year history of regular Stewardship campaigns. How did this come to be part of our culture? Formal Stewardship campaign every 2nd year Strong Clergy and Lay leadership Cooperative and supportive the congregation
Planning Stewardship Committee is formed Meetings begin in April Considerations Achievements, perceived needs Parish Council planning Vestry recommendations Outstanding Boken Report recommendations
Planning (cont’d) Considerations cont’d Church property maintenance and improvement Input from committees e.g Finance and Facilities Trends in pledges and donations in the last decade Requirement to fund two full-time clergy, our new Church School Coordinator and our support staff
Strategy 2-month campaign Target a percentage increase in donations Theme Type of budget: narrative budget Six broad categories: Worship Outreach Fellowship Christian Education Pastoral care Diocesan and national
Strategy (cont’d) Pie charts indicating percentage of expenditures Pie charts showing volunteer hours Brochure format Contents of stewardship packages Timelines Communication methods Type of personal contacts - phones calls, visitations etc.
Timelines April - May Form Committee Begin planning Create theme June – July Prepare and refine message to the parish Finalize case for Parish Council Develop communications strategies Determine the communication tools Begin to prepare Stewardship package, presentations, forms etc.
Timelines (cont’d) August Create, edit and proof read all materials Complete package Finalize plans for package delivery to parishioners. Recruit volunteers Develop detailed plans for Stewardship months, the Stewardship dinner, Christian education, etc.
Timelines (cont’d) September 1st Phone blitz - dinner invitation – immediately after Labour Day Sept. 6. Packages available at Sunday services. Sept. 8. Mail out packages not picked up Sept. 14. Publicize Stewardship dinner Sept. 25. Dinner
Timelines (cont’d) October 2nd Phone blitz Thanksgiving. Witness talks Display boards and other communications tools November 3rd Phone blitz Campaign ends
Results Campaign goal 2008: 5.0% increase in total donations, 2008 over 2007 Campaign result 2008: 5.2% increase in donations per pledger Campaign goal for 2009: 5.0% increase in total donations, 2009 over 2008 Campaign result for 2009: 6.0% increase in donations per pledger
Lenten Ministry Trust Fund Initiative Purpose Raise awareness of the Ministry Trust Fund Invitation to make an immediate Lenten offering to the Fund Increase awareness of Planned Giving
Lenten Ministry Trust Fund Initiative (cont’d) Method Brochure – non-specific to Lent Distribution of brochures to every household Follow up phone blitz to ensure brochures had been received Invitation to a Lenten dinner
Lenten Ministry Trust Fund Initiative (cont’d) Results Over 50 people attended the Lenten Dinner 59 households contributed $15,710 Increased the principle of the Ministry Trust Fund by $23,210 in this calendar year.
Stewardship for Children
Background Previously, no formal stewardship activ. August 2007 Children’s component Research and develop packages Children separate from Adults
Why teach stewardship to children ? Stewardship can help build self-esteem Stewardship can make children happier Stewardship can help children set priorities Stewardship can prepare children for their adult role in the church.
Primary Goals Help them see that God has given them many blessings Teach children to be grateful for their blessings Show children how stewardship built this church Stewardship is something we do all the time, it is how we live our lives Help children recognize the joy that comes from stewardship
Stewardship Focus for Children Stewardship is: –Time –Talent –Treasure –No contribution/pledge is too small –Everyone has something to contribute
Results of Children’s Campaign 20 Children attended lunch 35 packages were handed out 17 pledge forms returned How do you measure success?
2009 Stewardship Campaign Link the children and adult campaign Christian Ed. Program for children Joint children and adults Stewardship Dinner Provide parents with information and topics for home discussions Poster contest Greater recognition of all contributions
Thank you