Status of Linear Collider Activities Rika Takahashi on behalf of the LC Communicators 104 November, 2013 Interactions US
Development of the project since Spring Development at LCB Development at LCC Development in KEK How the communication of International Lab should be? 2 Coming up … 04 November, 2013 Interactions US
Lyn Evans said; “You may think nothing is going on, but many things are happening under the surface. ” 3 Development of the project since Spring 04 November, 2013 Interactions US
In three consecutive ceremonies in Asia, Europe and the Americas, the authors of the Technical Design Report for the LC officially handed the report over to the international oversight board for projects in particle physics, the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA. 4 Jun 12, Official button-toss from GDE to LCC 04 November, 2013 Interactions US
5 Development at LCB 04 November, 2013 Interactions US PAC ( Project Advisory Committee ) Members has been elected First meeting in Feb 2014 Producing a road-map for International authorization LCB⇒ICFA⇒IUPAP⇒OECD / UN ESCO? Discuss the ILC Lab organization ( Governance 、 Project Management etc.. )
LCB is discussing the LCC common fund and the signing of the MOU Signing with several lab have been settled, and with others in discussion. Common fund will be taken care by CERN 6 MOU for LCC 04 November, 2013 Interactions US
The ILC site evaluation committee of Japan announced the result of the assessment on the two candidate sites in Japan. As a location, they recommended the Kitakami mountains in the Iwate and Miyagi prefectures August, Japan’s site selection made 04 November, 2013 Interactions US
Started the site specific design based on Japan’s Kitakami site. LCC executives visited the site in 17 Oct, and confirmed that the site fulfills technical requirements. On the same day, LCC met members of the Diet members association for the ILC, and high level government officials including Foreign ministry. 8 Development at LCC 04 November, 2013 Interactions US
23 Aug, site evaluation in Japan 30 August, Science Council of Japan’s submission of the report on the ILC (English translation being prepared) 17 Oct, submitted the TDR, Site report, Organizational proposal to Science Ministry. (Official proposal to the government from scientific community) 9 Development in Japan 04 November, 2013 Interactions US
Researchcommunity Prepare the organization corresponding to LCC and LCB in Japan ~6 Establish Int’l lab Start construction Site selection in Japan Proposal to government Other Promotional bodies Refining the recommendations Expectation for detailed study Modeling of the global science city Gain understanding from SCJ Official statement from government Establish ILC Preparation center at KEK Expand the KEK lab to ILC Pre-Lab. Government review We are here!
Possible road-map for International authorization as a Global Project ICFA IUPUP OECD UNESCO(?) OECD UNESCO(?) ILC Preparation organization in Japan (Pre-intergovernmental discussion, government-lab talks) ILC Preparation organization in Japan (Pre-intergovernmental discussion, government-lab talks) Inter- governmental discussion
New ILC organization being planned at KEK LCC Directo r Management office Deputy Director Project Office Director Deputy Accelerator, Detector, CFS, EDMS Industrial cooperation LCB Organizational study for International lab (legal, human resources, procurement..) Prepare roadmap for International approval. Organizational study for International lab (legal, human resources, procurement..) Prepare roadmap for International approval. R&D Conventional facility design Site specific accelerator design Write up project proposal Industrial-academia cooperation R&D Conventional facility design Site specific accelerator design Write up project proposal Industrial-academia cooperation
Team 4 communicators: Yilin LIU (IHEP), Barbara Warmbein (DESY/CERN) PerrineRoyole-Degieux (CNRS/IN2P3) Rika Takahashi (KEK) 13 LCC Communication? 04 November, 2013 Interactions US
Need to think the way to promote ILC as a global project Planning to organize communication advisory team Your comments, inputs are more than welcome! 14 What we should do next? 04 November, 2013 Interactions US