Welcome to the United States of America Today’s American Lesson 1.USA vs. Japan ( 比べる ) Size (大きさ ) Population ( じんこう ) Currency ( おかね ) Holidays ( きゅうじつ.


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Welcome to the United States of America
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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the United States of America

Today’s American Lesson 1.USA vs. Japan ( 比べる ) Size (大きさ ) Population ( じんこう ) Currency ( おかね ) Holidays ( きゅうじつ ) 2.USA National Symbols (きごう) Song ( 歌 ) Tree & Flower ( 木・花 ) Bird ( 鳥 ) Sport ( スポーツ ) 3.Landmarks ( しせき ) 4.Food ( たべもの )

Land Area: 9,600,000 km2 3 rd largest in the world Land Area: 374,744 km2

Largest Countries in the World by Land Size 1. Russia: 17,075,200 km 2 2. Canada: 9,984,670 km 2 3. USA: 9,631,418 km 2 4. China: 9,596,960 km 2 5. Brazil: 8,511,965 km Japan 374,744 km2

Population of the U.S. & Japan 3rd largest10th largest

Largest Countries by Population 1.China1,330,045,000 2.India1,147,996,000 3.USA 303,825,000 4.Indonesia 237,512,000 5.Brazil 191,909,000 6.Pakistan 167,762,000 7.Bangladesh 153,547,000 8.Russia 140,702,000 9.Nigeria 138,283, Japan 128,000,000

Money $1 = ¥ 91 (as of June 1 st, 2010)

National Holidays Not including summer vacation. In the US, on average Elementary School Children have almost 90 days off for summer vacation, usually without any homework.

Jan.01New Year's Day Jan.18Martin Luther King Day Feb.15Presidents Day May31Memorial Day Jul.04Independence Day Sep.06Labor Day Oct.11Columbus Day Nov.11Veterans Day Nov.25Thanksgiving Day Dec.25Christmas Day

National Symbols of America

Flags Of the United States

National Symbols of America

The National Sport is……..

President of the United States of America Barack H. Obama

Famous American Landmarks Statue of Liberty ( 史跡 ; 史蹟, しせき ) (Smaller version found also in Odaiba, Tokyo)

Famous American Landmarks Mt. Rushmore

Famous American Landmarks Washington Monument

The Grand Canyon ( 峡谷 きょうこく )

American Food Cheeseburgers

American Food French fries

American Food Turkey

Today’s American Lesson 1.USA vs. Japan ( 比べる ) Size (大きさ ) Population ( じんこう ) Currency ( おかね ) Holidays ( きゅうじつ ) 2.USA National Symbols (きごう) Song ( 歌 ) Tree & Flower ( 木・花 ) Bird ( 鳥 ) Sport ( スポーツ ) 3.Landmarks ( しせき ) 4.Food ( たべもの )

Thank you very much for visiting the United States of America