SDC Migration Project Status Report January 2012
Status Project funding reduced from $59M to $24M – $24M consists of construction bond fund savings – can only be used for SDC improvements and assets Re-setting project strategy, scope, budget, and schedule to align with new funding constraint – Requires different approach and infrastructure design – All procurements on hold pending new plan and design – Private Cloud procurement on hold pending review by TSB (meeting not yet scheduled)
Project Reset Activities Assess priorities and options Identify priorities that can be funded through existing or alternate revenue sources Develop phased migration plan that – Reduces risk and maximizes available funds – Relieves OB2 over-capacity problems – Generates revenue from SDC – Meets minimum facility, security, and network requirements – Supports the State’s IT transformation initiative (Utility Computing) – Positions the SDC as the primary data center anticipating eventual OB2 shutdown – Minimizes disruption and rework over time
Next Steps (Jan – Feb 2012) Complete budget analysis Complete migration alternatives analysis Determine migration phases: logical groupings of systems determined by dependencies, risks, benefits, complexity, equipment life-cycle, impact, cost Re-design core network and security to support migration phases Define new schedule, charter, investment plan Restart selected procurements and other activities to implement new plan
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