Welcome to the TOSS Fall 2012 Orientation Meeting!
1.Dr. Wilson-Overrides and registration 2. Jennifer Korb—Overseas student teaching 3. Professor Peery-TOSS program coordinator… *TOSS Structure *Fall Calendar * Field placement expectations *Professionalism *Student teaching applications *Questions 4. Peter Oswalt from CEPP: TOSS Sign Up Instructions and Paperwork 5. Student Teaching Applications due on Aug. 30
TOSS Registration Dr. Wilson Dr. Wilson Kennesaw Hall 2328 EECE Assistant Chair
If you took only 1 of the ISCI’s KSU If you did not take both KSU KSU If you didn’t take EDUC KSU If you have already taken HPS 3670 If you Transferred and was given credit for 1 or more TOSS classes. History 2111 or 2112 with a C or better Math 3317
Register for all four methods classes at the same time or you will not be able to sign-up, plus TOSS Field Component (4406), and HPS 3670 4401 (Math Methods) 4402 (Science Methods) 4403 (Social Studies Methods) 4404 (Content Area Reading and Language Arts) 4406 (Field Component) HPS 3670
Parking in the Fall. You may not register for parking until you register for classes. Parking spaces are being reserved for you in several locations but it will be first come first serve.
Jennifer Korb, recipient of the Gilman Scholarship Experiences in Ecuador Sign-up for more information for Costa Rica and Ecuador
Teaching Of Specific Subjects (TOSS) Dr. Delacruz, Professor Peery Dr. Delacruz, Professor Peery Kennesaw Hall 2336 EECE TOSS Program Coordinators
The TOSS Handbook (Nuts and Bolts) is available on our department website:
Please check your KSU . That is what we use to communicate with you. Check it frequently so you do not miss announcements. Please do not us from personal s, such as is not professional. Please address us as Dr. Delacruz, Prof. Peery I am not hey or Hello. Address everyone by their titles.
4 Methods Classes ECE 4401 – Math Methods ECE 4402 – Science Methods ECE 4403 – Social Studies Methods ECE 4404 – Reading Methods Field Component –ECE 4406 HPS 3670
Field Component 1 Day per week for 10 weeks * ▪ Oversight by Methods Instructors 5 Days per week for 4 weeks (separate class) ▪ University Supervisor ▪ Collaborating Teacher ▪ FIELD PLACEMENT: YOU MAY NOT BE IN A SCHOOL WHERE YOU HAVE A RELATIVE
10 Weeks 4 methods classes 2 days per week 2 classes each of these days 1 full day per week in the field HPS 4 Weeks Full time field experiences At least four observations by university supervisor and collaborating teacher
June 26-28(starting at 10:00 p.m.) School Sign- Up for TOSS August 17-First Day of Classes August 31-Dec. 5 2 FULL Days – Methods Classes at KSU, 1 HPS ▪ Days, Rooms, TBA ▪ No class Sept. 3, Oct. 26 last day of classes 1 Day in field ▪ Six hours each time for the first ten weeks ▪ First Day Friday, August 31, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm ▪ Subsequent days to be determined by TOSS Candidate and Cooperating Teacher
November 1-December 5 Full Time in Field ▪ “Teacher Hours” You will have a KSU Thanksgiving Break and the school districts’ fall break if there is one
June 26-28– TOSS school sign-up Sign-up begins at 10:00 p.m. on June 26 Directions for sign-up will be sent via August 14 and 15– Registration (Sections to be determined based on field school) You will be notified with section number for all classes including HPS. September ?– Mandatory Ethics Seminar will be held during one of your Methods classes October 30– Midterm Seminar, Location TBD, 1:00- 3:00p.m. MANDATORY
Register for all four methods classes, TOSS Field Component (4406), and HPS 3670 4401 (Math Methods) 4402 (Science Methods) 4403 (Social Studies Methods) 4404 (Content Area Reading and Language Arts) 4406 (Field Component) HPS 3670
Professionalism Assignments determined by Methods instructors Be sure to select a theme for the unit as soon as possible (work with you collaborating teacher on this) Get involved in the class as much as the collaborating teacher allows
MANDATORY – Be Sure You Sign In Written Documentation Deduction of Points during Methods Classes Field Experience time for EXCUSED absences must be made up Failure to attend = repeat TOSS
Information will be sent via and on the EECE Web Site. The school you sign-up for is your placement. You may NOT sign-up for a school where you have a relative
Please DO NOT call the school prior to first day meetings. Cooperating teacher is determined by the principal at your field school. Field supervisors will be assigned and announced at the midterm seminar on October 30. Prior to supervisor assignment, Dr. Delacruz with any problems or questions.
FINAL APPROVAL FOR TOSS CANNOT BE DETERMINED UNTIL AFTER Summer COURSE GRADES ARE POSTED! If you receive a “D” or “F” in a course you will be notified that your approval for Fall TOSS will be denied. It is YOUR responsibility to inform the TOSS coordinator of any changes in your plans, change in address, or phone number!
At NO TIME are you to be alone with the students. (Think of yourself as your collaborating teacher’s shadow.) If the teacher is absent, there must be a substitute in the room. You cannot be the substitute. (You can be in charge of the class, but there must be school personnel in the room.) If this becomes an issue, contact Dr. Delacruz or your University Supervisor.
It is not your responsibility to do extra duties around the school. For example, you are not to be the lunchroom monitor for the entire school. (Georgia has duty-free lunch.) GACE We recommend you take the October scheduled GACE. This date is towards the end of the 10-week class period.
Professionalism is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Every time you enter the school, you are interviewing for a job. If you have questions, check the TOSS Handbook online at (Do not download this until notified.)
1. Concerns about your TOSS classes, assignments, or grades? First discuss with your class professor. 2. If you have concerns or questions about the field placement during the first 10 weeks contact Dr. Delacruz, TOSS cell: program coordinator, and copy Mrs. Peery cell: 3. If the issue is still unresolved then you should contact Dr. Jim Cope, the EECE Department Chair at Also contact Dr. Delacruz, Mrs. Peery, your collaborating teacher, and the school if you will be absent from your placement at any time throughout the semester. 4. If you have concerns or questions about field placements or assignments in 4406 during the final 4 weeks you need to contact your supervisor (who will be assigned during the midterm seminar).
Student Teaching Applications are due August 30 th. 1. Go to: and follow the first steps 1 and your advisor early August to review your application. If you plan to stay at the same school for TOSS and student teaching, it must be indicated on the student teaching application.
Thank you for attending! This PowerPoint will be online at the EECE website under the TOSS link!