Back to School Night Mr. Brecke Ms. Dennis Ms. McLane Ms. McLane
Literacy Reading Recognizing letters (lowercase and uppercase) Recognizing letter sounds Segmenting Blending Identifying sight words Comprehension skills
Literacy Continued Writing Writing letters (lowercase and uppercase) Using pictures and words to tell a story Writing simple phrases Using "environmental print" Practicing conventions (punctuation; capital and lowercase letters)
Math Recognizing and counting numbers to 30 Rote counting to 100 Understanding "more than," "less than“ & "fewer" Adding and subtracting to 10 using manipulatives Estimating the number of objects Measuring the length of objects using non-standard units Naming and describing shapes Using simple graphs to collect and organize information Comparing sets of objects
Science Understanding what is involved with "scientific inquiry" Scientific observing using our five senses Learning about the life cycles of plants, insects, and animals
Social Studies Showing respect for the rights of all people Learning and respecting classmates’ differences Learning how to work together Using our Hornet Expectations for solving problems with others
Hornet Expectations Kindergarten has similar classroom expectations-see your child’s Hornet Expectation Matrix School-wide expectations are also listed on the Hornet Expectation Matrix
Important Dates October 18 th : Book Fair & Multicultural Potluck November 15 th -21 st : Parent Conferences-No School November 22 nd -23 rd : Thanksgiving Weekend-No School November 29 th : PTA Movie Night December 21 st -January 2 nd : Winter Break Please check the Monthly Honey Dew Newsletter & your child’s folder for upcoming important dates and information
Volunteering We would love Volunteers! If you’re interested, please contact your child’s teacher to set up a time and date There is a free & required WA Background Check
Regular Attendance & School Folders Have your child attend school everyday unless they are ill. Regular attendance has a positive impact on your child’s educational success! Check and encourage your child to return their school folder weekly
Questions? Please ask your child’s teacher questions in their classroom Thank you!