Candy’s American Kitchen 餐二甲 / 沈含螢 / 499M0032
About CANDY’S Candy’s American Kitchen is a local American restaurant. The boss Candy has lived in the United States 10 years, and open the restaurant when she came to Taiwan. Candy’s they have American food and Mexican food. And their desserts are also famous, especially their pie.
Menu They have seven types food can choose. Appetizers & Snacks / Ex. Fries. Mashed Potatoes Rice Stews / Ex. Beef Rice Stews Mexican food / Ex. Tacos. Burritos Jumbo Burger & Giant Sub & Pizza Meal / Ex. Meat Loaf. Steak Vegetarian / Ex. Fruit Pizza. Bake Pumpkin Rice Beverages & Dessert / Ex. Coffee. Pie
Delicious meal Cheese Sticks Buffalo Wings Corn Chips & Salsa Beef Rice Stews Chili
Delicious meal Jumbo Burger Blue Ribbon Pork Chop Spaghetti & Meat Ball BBQ Tenderloin Beef
Delicious Dessert Pumpkin Pie Banana Cream Pie Cream Puff Chocolate Chip Cookies
Special Event Candy’s have three special event every year. In those day will have special menu. 2/14 - Valentine's Day 4th Thursday in November – Thanksgiving 12/25 - Christmas 2011 New event: If you use your phone punch at FACEBOOK, and show to the waiter, you will have 10% discount.
Reservation Open Time: Monday-Thursday 17:30~24:00 Friday-Sunday 11:30-24:00 Address: No.49 Chong-ming Rd Tainan. Line: (06) /