Bellwork In our classroom culture, COURTESY is not optional Thank you note time
Bellwork In our classroom culture, COURTESY is not optional Dear Ms. Mortensen; I wanted to say thank you/how much I appreciated/ something that is a nice way to say thank you for all the work you did to get us to the Durham for the “Identity” exhibit. One thing I know I will remember from this experience is what? Do not make it lame, make it real. #reminder—this should help you with the fact you are in a unit on recognizing culture and your role in society. Now find something else to comment on—the tree perhaps? Thanks for the bus? They paid for the entire event for you—so be grateful. Sincerely,
November 20-21, 2014 SWBAT: catch up and ask questions UPCOMING- A DAY THIS WEEK 11/18 Turn in article Read literary language 11/20 Read Build Plot diagram/Literary discussion Please note: novel DONE by 11/24 NEXT WEEK 11/24 Annotation grade T-Chart grade Exam over ABC Final project announced THANKSGIVING BREAK They got so lucky with the bonus work day…
November 20-21, 2014 SWBAT: catch up and ask questions UPCOMING- B DAY THIS WEEK 11/17 AoW turn in Research 11/19 Turn in Article Create Plot diagram/literary language Read 11/21 Read Literary discussion Please note: novel DONE by 11/25 NEXT WEEK 11/25 Annotation grade T-Chart grade Exam over ABC Final project announced THANKSGIVING BREAK They got so lucky with the bonus work day…
November 20-21, 2014 SWBAT: catch up and ask questions SCHEDULE Bellwork (25) Agenda (5) WORKSHOP Research annotation(30) Study Guide building(30) Peace/Out (5 minutes) CULTURE HOMEWORK 1.American Born Chinese: Read to ALMOST END 2.Culture Project: ALL annotation and the t-chart is due 11/24 & 11/25 Are you able to answer the questions? Do you need to get a pass to do more research?
November 20-21, 2014 SWBAT: catch up and ask questions SCHEDULE Bellwork (25) Agenda (5) WORKSHOP Research annotation(30) Study Guide building(30) Peace/Out (5 minutes)
You got lucky today… Unexpected in-class work day Oh, the Places You’ll Go Project 1 Annotation=highlights of important information. Notes to self= thoughts that need further notes. Circling words you know you don’t know, then definitions Project 3 T-Chart creation/summary information. Based on research. Stereotypes/ Norms November 20-21, 2014 SWBAT: catch up and ask questions SCHEDULE Bellwork (25) Agenda (5) WORKSHOP Research annotation(30) Study Guide building(30) Peace/Out (5 minutes)
You got lucky today… Unexpected in-class work day American Born Chinese Study Guide Creation Duplicate the shell you created last class to give information about all three storylines. You can/will use this on QUIZ over novel in next class. November 20-21, 2014 SWBAT: catch up and ask questions SCHEDULE Bellwork (25) Agenda (5) WORKSHOP Research annotation(30) Study Guide building(30) Peace/Out (5 minutes)
CULTURE November 20-21, 2014 SWBAT: catch up and ask questions SCHEDULE Bellwork (25) Agenda (5) WORKSHOP Research annotation(30) Study Guide building(30) Peace/Out (5 minutes) Write on a piece of scratch paper Name/Block/Date Create a haiku about some element of American Born Chinese. Reminder: syllables=5/7/5 What type of sentence is that?