SCHOOL EVENTS Ms. Betteridge’s Classroom Buzz Crystal – 12 Dominic – 19 (Half Birthday) STANDARDS SCIENCE: The solar system includes the sun and all celestial bodies that orbit the sun. Each planet in the solar system has unique characteristics. ELA : Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text – summarize the text Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details Compare and contrast the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts. FYI 11/28– 12/2 Thanksgiving Break 12/23-1/2 Winter Break 1/17 – End of the Second Quarter 1/20 – No School The classroom supply of tissues and hand sanitizer has dwindled greatly. We are currently down to one box of tissues and one bottle of hand sanitizer. If you could, please send a box of tissues or bottle of hand sanitizer with your child so the room can be well stocked for winter. Thank you Students will also be completing a diorama as part of a science project during the month of January. If you have an extra shoe box laying around after the holiday season, please have your child bring it to school. Thank you
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