By: Casey Williams
Limerick poem “Pie Man” There once was a man who ate pie, He wore a very red tie, Who’s favorite day was Monday, Who drove an orange Honda. There once was a man who ate pie.
Limerick poem not by me. There once was a clover named Kate, Who sat on the edge of a plate, The fancy folk dined, On foods of all kind, Then tossed her at quarter past eight. This poem is fromhttp://
Quatrain “Celebration” I celebrate Christmas, And also Thanksgiving, The night before the holiday I need to go to bed, Or else I will be dead.
Quatrain not by me The mountain frames the sky As a shadow of an eagle flies by. With clouds hanging at its edge A climber proves his courage on its rocky ledge. This poem is from ms/quatrain.htm ms/quatrain.htm
Free Verse “Football” Football Football is fun, Football lets you hit hard, Football lets you catch a pass, Football lets you bring people to the ground, You play football outside. Football, Is awesome.
Free verse not by me. My last night as a full-time child I didn't want to sleep, for fear of Waking up in a rustle of too-crisp sheets And a creak of inadequate bedsprings With a lightly snoring virtual stranger eight feet away. And also I didn't want it to be tomorrow, Because then it would be time to do what I've denied for three weeks of subsistence And oblivion--ignoring is bliss. And I saw everything I never did Lying around me, pieces and steps of the Success I never got, reminders that Whatever I planned, I never got far. But in the middle of these broken promises To myself, I could see for the first time That I have not been broken. And I must keep myself, all that is real, As daybreak does, and nightfall. I exist to others, but all I need is me. I will be the last promise, when all is said And kept. Copyright © 1996 by Katherine Foreman.
Cinquain poem “Play” Play, You do it when you’re bored. Jump, run, Pull, sprint, push, crouch. It is fun to play Exercise.
Cinquain not by me Baseball Bat cracks against The pitch, sending it out Over the back fence, I did it! Homerun (by Cindy Barden)
Haiku poem “Seasons” The warm summer breeze, The brown fall trees growing bare, The winter presents.
Haiku not by me haikus are easy but sometimes they don't make sense refrigerator This poem is from poems.htmhttp://haiku- poems.htm
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