Process and methodology for collecting the Irrigation Service Fee (ISF) Phnom Penh Hotel - 25 March 2010 Presentation by Y Kadum, Community Specialist.


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Presentation transcript:

Process and methodology for collecting the Irrigation Service Fee (ISF) Phnom Penh Hotel - 25 March 2010 Presentation by Y Kadum, Community Specialist (CEDAC)

Vision for collecting ISF But how do we do to get a plate of rice like this one? –We need materials and tools. –We need a process and a methodology. –We need people to implement.

1- Tools for collecting ISF (a) The map of the irrigation scheme with detailed plots The list of the landowners and their land area within the scheme

A request form to get irrigation water The name list of all people who asked for water 1- Tools for collecting ISF (b)

The name list of all water users and their ISF calculation An invoice for ISF payment 1- Tools for collecting ISF (c)

A receipt for the ISF payment The name list of people who paid the ISF 1- Tools for collecting ISF (d)

2- Process and Methodology for collecting ISF (a) 2.1 – Fixing ISF level -The committee prepare a draft annual budget and fix the ISF level. -They present to the members in order to approve the ISF level

2.2 – Prepare the list of water users -Prepare the documents (map, plot list, request form) -The members fill their request -The committee make the name list of water users 2- Process and Methodology for collecting ISF (b)

2.3 – Decide who will be the farmers and their ISF -The water user make his family list and the land area that he will really cultivate -Evaluation of the water delivery and prepare list of ISF payment 2- Process and Methodology for collecting ISF (c)

2.4 – Information about ISF collection -The committee prepare the methodology for ISF collection -The FWUC issues an official declaration through the group representatives and display it on notice boards 2- Process and Methodology for collecting ISF (d)

2.5 – ISF collection -The member pays to the collector in the village -The collector gives a receipt to the member -The collector transfer the money to the FWUC treasurer 2- Process and Methodology for collecting ISF (e)

2.6 – Calculate the total ISF payment -The collectors and the treasurer double check the amount collected -The treasurer prepare the name list of people who paid ISF for each village 2- Process and Methodology for collecting ISF (f)

3- Human resources for implementation The collector is in charge of collecting the requests from water users and to collect the ISF according to the FWUC plan. The gate operator is in charge of sharing water between the farmers who request it and preparing the list of families and irrigated plot area. The FWUC treasurer is in charge of receiving the money from the village collectors and to prepare the list of farmers who have paid ISF and who have not yet paid.

3- Human resources for implementation The FWUC committee leaders are in charge of fixing the process and the methodology for ISF collection, preparing the list of people who have to pay ISF and making intervention to the members who don’t pay. The local authorities are in charge of recognition by higher levels and to help intervention in case the FWUC can not solve a problem by itself.

4- The factors that make the ISF collection successful Documents (and tools) must be available in sufficient numbers for the concerned XXX (?) To prepare the process and methodology with relations between each other To prepare a budget system with transparency so that members have confidence Members get benefits (profits) from the irrigation system The committee and the local authorities are active in the work and transparent

Thank you