Graduation from High School or How to prepare now to be successful then.
It all starts here and now ! Form good habits. Every class, every day, on time Do all your homework, every day Do NOT procrastinate Be the best student you can be Don’t let others determine your destiny
Graduation Requirements Attendance We talk in terms of Attendance Credit Loss .25 per class per quarter 4 excused absences 4 tardies 1 unexcused absence Not more than.75 Attendance Credit loss Community Service 10 hours and $15 per.25 loss
.25 AC X 8 classes = 2 Attendance Credit loss in one quarter in one quarter = 80 hours community service and $ AC X 4 quarters = 8 Attendance Credit loss in one year in one year = 320 hours community service and $ AC loss
On the Job 320 hours X $5.50 $1,760.00
Graduation Requirements Academics 31 Credits available 27 Credits required Released time-4 Early graduation State scholarships Congratulations It is hereby awarded to John Smith the degree of Graduate from Fremont High School on this the 31 day of May
English4 Social Studies3 Math3 Science3 Physical Ed.1.5 Health.5 Financial Literacy.5 Subject Areas CTE1 Fine Arts1.5 Computer.5 Electives 8.5 Foreign Language (not required; 2-3yrs. recommended)
English 4Social Studies 3 English 9 English 10 English 11 AP English 12 Journalism Creative Writing Geography World Civilizations U. S. History U. S. Government AP Psychology Law Enforcement
Math3 Science 3 (4 for college) (3 for college) Algebra Geometry Algebra Intermediate Pre-Calculus College Algebra Calculus Earth Systems Biology Physics Chemistry Choose from 2 areas
P.E. 1.5 Health.5 Fitness for Life* Sports Conditioning Weight Training Aerobics Dance Choreography Swim Team *Required Class Health Health Science Technology (year long class for health-related fields)
CTE 1 Agriculture Business Computer Engineering Family and Consumer Health Sciences Marketing Welding Drafting Auto Tech Computer Aided Design
Fine Arts 1.5 Computer.5 Choir Band Orchestra Drama Art Jewelry Design Pottery Sculpturing Photography Video Productions Computer Tech. (required for graduation)
Electives Foreign 8.5 Language All classes that do not fill a core requirement or that go beyond the core requirements. German French Spanish Am. Sign Two – three years highly recommended Level IV counts as Lang. Arts Elective
Educational Alternatives Concurrent Enrollment Early College Ogden/Weber ATC Two Rivers High School PM School Summer School Job Corps Electronic High School
UBSCT Required for a Basic High School Diploma Five opportunities to pass the test Test is administered during sophomore, junior, and senior years
What if I do Fail a Class? Independent study packets Electronic High School ( There are two options available to you:
It’s been 4 great years! How will you feel at the end of your high school career?