WEST GULF COASTAL PLAIN Waterfowl Working Group Randy Wilson, LMVJV Office Chad Manlove, DU – Southern Regional Office Andrew James, AGFC Rich Johnson, AGFC Tom Edwards, USFWS – Arkansas Alan Stacey, ODWC Jim Neal, USFWS – Texas Scott Durham, LDWF Pat Stinson, USFWS – Mississippi Kevin Kraai, TPWD Bill Bartush, DU – East Texas
Conserving, Restoring, and Maintaining WGCP Capacity to Winter Mid-Continent Waterfowl Populations Biological Foundation Identify Species of Concern Establish Population Targets Discern Limiting Factors Establish Objectives to Counter Limiting Factors
??? American Black Duck American Wigeon Mallard Gadwall Green-winged Teal Blue-winged Teal Northern Pintail Northern Shoveler Wood Duck Mottled Duck Canvasback Redhead Ring-necked Duck Scaup (greater and lesser) Bufflehead Identify Species of Concern (Wintering)
??? Mottled Duck Black-bellied Whistling Duck Hooded Merganser Wood Duck Identify Species of Concern (Breeding)
Conserving, Restoring, and Maintaining WGCP Capacity to Winter Mid-Continent Waterfowl Populations Biological Foundation Identify Species of Concern Establish Population Targets Discern Limiting Factors Establish Objectives to Counter Limiting Factors
Establish Population Targets Step 1. Winter Distribution of Ducks Among States Mid-Winter Inventory Data January Step 2. Winter Distribution of Ducks Within States Harvest Data January
Selection of Counties for Calculation of Waterfowl Population Goals LMVJV Boundary WGCP BCR Questionable Counties
Target state = P *P WGCPstate *Goal continental 0.85 (winter mortality rate) Establish Population Targets Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Total 131, ,530 31, , , ,871 1,300, , ,393 2,531, ,921 1,758, , ,393 3,339,531 State Dabblers & Divers Wood Ducks Total
Conserving, Restoring, and Maintaining WGCP Capacity to Winter Mid-Continent Waterfowl Populations Biological Foundation Identify Species of Concern Establish Population Targets Discern Limiting Factors Establish Objectives to Counter Limiting Factors
Discern Limiting Factors Factors Limiting Carrying Capacity Disease Predation Environmental Contaminants Disturbance Habitat Foraging Non-foraging
Conserving, Restoring, and Maintaining WGCP Capacity to Winter Mid-Continent Waterfowl Populations Biological Foundation Identify Species of Concern Establish Population Targets Discern Limiting Factors Biological Model Establish Objectives to Counter Limiting Factors
Biological Model Assume all ducks are Mallard-sized Assume that ducks stay for 110-day wintering period
Conserving, Restoring, and Maintaining WGCP Capacity to Winter Mid-Continent Waterfowl Populations Biological Foundation Identify Species of Concern Establish Population Targets Discern Limiting Factors Biological Model Establish Objectives to Counter Limiting Factors
Habitat Objectives = 110 * winter days Target state Habitat Objectives in Duck-Use Days Establish Objectives to Counter Limiting Factor Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Total 14,415,500 50,328,300 3,471,600 20,680,000 88,896,300 34,525, ,064,069 15,239,751 85,623, ,452,892 48,941, ,392,370 18,711, ,303, ,348,293 State Dabblers & Divers Wood DucksTotal
Habitat Inventory Important Habitat Types in the WGCP Bottomland Hardwoods Moist Soil Wetlands Agricultural Crops Submerged Aquatic Vegetation What are the current management capabilities on Public Lands? Private Lands?
Habitat Inventory How much naturally flooded habitat can be expected in a given year? How many acres of open aquatic habitat are available? Ponds (small, medium, large) Lakes Reservoirs Current research? Waterfowl Use of stock ponds Foraging Behavior Food Availability