Data Sources Artifacts: Lesson plans and/or curriculum units which evidence planned use of diagnostic tools, pre- assessment activities, activating strategies,


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Presentation transcript:

Data Sources Artifacts: Lesson plans and/or curriculum units which evidence planned use of diagnostic tools, pre- assessment activities, activating strategies, and planning for developing differentiated instruction based on pre-assessment data. Conference Discussion Topics: The teacher can explain how diagnostic data are used to inform instruction. Discussion Prompts:  Discuss how you are using assessment data to inform your lesson or unit plans.  Describe how you are differentiating based on diagnostic data.  What is your process for analyzing and interpreting diagnostic data that you collect on students? 1 9/10/2008 CLASS Keys 12/4/2008

Continuum of Improvement A rubric with four levels of performance. Evidence Examples that develop the expectations for the rubric. Element Descriptors Words/phrases found in the element, rubric, or evidence. Data Sources Suggested artifacts and conference discussion topics. Research Rationale Current research justifying the element. Each Element in the CLASS Keys Contains 2 9/10/2008 CLASS Keys 12/4/2008

Research Rationale Teachers who received diagnostic information through student assessment, in comparison with control groups, were more specific in identifying skills that needed to be taught and made more adaptations to target those needs. Additionally, students in those classes had statistically greater achievement than those in comparison groups where diagnostic assessment was not fully implemented. [Fuchs, L. S., Fuchs, D., Hamlett, C. L., & Allinder, R. M. (1991)]. Diagnostic assessment has the potential to help teachers plan instruction that is more varied, is more responsive to individual needs, and promotes stronger outcomes [ibid]. How to effectively assess for diagnostic purposes. [Black, P. and Wiliam, D. (1998)]. 3 9/10/2008 CLASS Keys 12/4/2008

9/10/2008 CLASS Keys Standards-Based Instruction What does it look like in action? What are teachers doing? What are students doing? 4 9/10/2008 CLASS Keys Working in table groups, write down what you would expect to see in a S-B classroom. Then review the strand in the CLASS Keys Standards

9/10/2008 CLASS Keys Student Achievement How should teachers be held accountable for student achievement? 5 9/10/2008 CLASS Keys

6 TeacherGradesSubjectMeasure(s) Richard WagnerK-5MusicRhythm Assessment, Instrument ID John Milton7Lang. ArtsXYZ Reading Assessment Brett Favre9-12Physical Ed.District Physical Fitness Test Isaac Newton4MathUnits 1-4 Common Assessments Wally Welder10-12WeldingSatisfactory Performance on 3 Welds CLASS Keys offers flexibility to districts regarding the impact on student achievement requirement. 12/4/2008

9/10/2008 CLASS Keys How Aerial View of Process for the Field Study 7 9/10/2008 CLASS Keys

CLASS Keys Field Study Timeline Summer 2008Select Schools (+150) Fall 2008Training Sessions Field Study Early Spring 2009Data Collections Late Spring 2009 Revisions 8 CLASS Keys

Self-Assessment and Reflection Pre-Evaluation Conference 2-3 Informal Observations Pre-Observation Conference Formal Observation Post- Observation Conference 2-3 Informal Observations Annual Evaluation Conference TheProcessTheProcess 9

CLASS Keys 10 Standard Elements Self-Assessment CP 1.1 Content knowledge Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary CP 1.2 Vertical alignment Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary CP 1.3 Interdisciplinary Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary CP 2.1 Written curriculum Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary CP 2.2 Organizing Framework Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary CP 2.3 Planning assessment Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary SBI 1.1 Research-based Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary SBI 1.2 Higher-order thinking Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary SBI 1.3 Differentiation Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary SBI 1.4 Flexible grouping Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary SBI 1.5 Use of technology Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary SBI 2.1 High expectations Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary SBI 2.2 Communicate standards Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary SBI 2.3 Feedback/fair grading procedures Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary AL 1.1 Diagnostic Assessment Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary AL 1.2 Formative Assessment Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary AL 1.3 Summative Assessment Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary AL 2.1 Use data to identify needs and intervene Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary P 1.1 Classroom Management Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary P 1.2 Maximize Time Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary P 1.3 Acknowledge Diversity & Accomplishments Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary P 1.4 Students Taking Responsibility Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary P 2.1 Parent Involvement Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary P 3.1 Job-embedded Learning Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary P 3.2 Content and Pedagogy Professional. Learning Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary P 4.1 School Improvement Not EvidentEmergingProficientExemplary

CLASS Keys Professional Growth Plan An annual plan that includes Goal setting and action plan. Professional growth planning linked to the school/district improvement plan. A cycle of constant development. Purpose: To allow teachers to direct their own careers through goal setting and performance evaluation with strong ties to student learning. 11 9/10/2008 CLASS Keys

District Goals School Goals Team/Grade Level Goals Classroom Goals Student Goals Alignment of Goals from District to Classroom to Student 12 CLASS Keys

Informal Observations short, (5-15 minutes) unannounced observations. Only a few of the elements are assessed. The feedback can come in the form of an for informal observations more informals are conducted after the formal observation. These informals do impact the Annual Evaluation. 13

CLASS Keys 14 1.What do you want the students to know and be able to do by the end of the lesson? 2.What Georgia Performance Standard (GPS) or QCC or National Standard does the lesson address? 3.What assessment strategies will you use to monitor student understanding? 4.Describe the sequence of events in the lesson with amount of time expected for each event. 5.How have you integrated other subjects into the lesson to be observed? 6.If students will work in groups, what is the rationale for the make up of the groups? Pre-Observation Questions