Farm picture Green Energy Advisors V LLC
Corn/Ethanol usage Ethanol production accounts for 40% of the total US corn crop
Since 1993 farmland has outperformed real estate, the S&P500 and the Treasuries on a risk adjusted basis
Three Reasons to own FARMLAND Growing world food demand— The middle classes of India and China are eating higher protein-rich diets Scarcity of Grade A Farmland in the World- Science and technology will dramatically increase crop yields per acre
Growing China and India Middle Class China and India middle class has increased over 100 fold in the last 20 years and will surpass the total US population by approximately 2015 “Everyone wants to eat like an American on this globe… but if they do, we’re going to need another two or three globes to grow it all.” –Daniel Basse (AgResource Consultancy)
Farmland is a scarce renewable resource 40% of the Grade A farm land is in the Mid-West FAO (Food & Agricultural Organization, United Nations) says world food production will have to rise by 70% by 2050 to meet demand while available world farmland will only increase by 5% in that time. Farmland requires Fertility and Water– Over the last 15 years the world has converted all qualified land to crop production “There is no more land”
Farmland Scarcity There are approximately 3.5 billion acres of arable land in the world and the potential for adding a mere 5% over the next few decades. Soil erosion and population growth are also depleting arable land by the minute. Over two acres are disappearing per minute according to the American Farmland Trust.
How Science and Technology will feed the world- More production on the same acre of land Current US average yield per acre is 165 bu per acre “Yields of 300 bu/acre are possible with today's genetics, excellent management, and stress-free environments” Iowa State University, Agronomy Extension Science and technology – Precision planting, efficient fertilization, environment specific seeds, improved irrigation, sensor driven crop management for controlling crop stress and increasing yields
With the slightest reduction in ending stocks, we can see a huge price spike in corn
As China’s Middle Class continues to grow, so does demand for a more protein rich diet
"Everyone wants to eat like an American on this globe… but if they do, we're going to need another two or three globes to grow it all."
“… boosted by falling domestic crop and a growing need for animal feed, China's soybean imports from America would rise 2.0m tons – more than the US is currently expecting its production to rise by.” -US Department of Agriculture
Who owns US Farmland ? Bill Gates Warren Buffett Ted Turner Metropolitan Life and other insurance companies The US Teachers Pension Fund