Piney Woods By. Emily Mack Period 4
Location The piney woods is located in the east of Texas
Precipitation The precipitation rate in the Piney woods is up to 36 to 50 inches! Regional Average Rainfall: in./yr Regional Average Net Evaporation rate: inches
Temperature The temperature in the Piney woods in the summer can get up to 80°F or higher. The temperature in the winter though goes to 40-60°F
Soil Type (Alfisols) Alfisols are found in cool to hot humid areas, and in the semiarid tropics; they are formed mostly under forest vegetation, but also under grass savanna.
Soil Type (Ultisols) Ultisols are intensely weathered soils of warm and humid climates. They are typically formed on older geologic locations in parent material that is already extensively weathered
Animals There are over 180 different animals species in the piney woods. The most common are… River otter Attwater's pocket gopher white-tailed deer Common gray fox Virginia opossum Eastern flying squirrel
Plants There are about or over 1085 species of plants in the piney woods. The most common are… Red mapleSweetgum Buttonbush Flowering dogwood Loblolly pine
Land features Some of the land features in the piney woods are swamps, rolling terrain, low wetlands, Longleaf pine forests, and of coarse thick forest of pines. swamps rolling terrain Low wetlands Longleaf pine forestsPine forest
Wind Speed The wind speed in piney woods gets up to 6.4 mph.
I got my pictures from Google images and I used the information from TPWD Kids and the packets we got in class.