Green Chemistry: A key factor of Sustainable Development Sustainability is the care and our duty to secure future for our descendants, future generations and the earth itself. Despite the benefits of society from the achievements of chemistry and technology, the industrial production of goods, the processes used, the use of goods and disposal of certain chemicals resulted negative impact on human health and the environment. 3 rd HIGH SCHOOL OF POLICHNI
Green Chemistry: A key factor of Sustainable Development These problems can now be solved by Green and Sustainable Chemistry, a new philosophy that covers all areas of chemistry. Objectives of the Green Chemistry are the reduction of hazardous substances associated with products and processes, that are essential not only for maintaining the quality of life, that society has achieved through chemistry, but further promote the technological achievements of chemistry in a sustainable manner. 3 rd HIGH SCHOOL OF POLICHNI
GREEN CHEMISTRY AND CLIMATE CHANGE The diversion of chemicals and specially carbon dioxide, the most basic of greenhouse gases, creates Global changes in climate and temperature of ocean's water. 3 rd HIGH SCHOOL OF POLICHNI
Carbon Dioxide Capture 3 rd HIGH SCHOOL OF POLICHNI
Carbon Dioxide Capture The American team of a Nobel laureate chemist has developed a cheap plastic material that can absorb relatively large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In the future, the new material could form the basis for artificial trees that clean the air. The capture of CO2 can be done with a different way, more useful in the environment 3 rd HIGH SCHOOL OF POLICHNI
Carbon Dioxide Capture Ola George, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1994, currently works at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, in his most recent publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society, the All presents a porous, absorbent, plastic polymer which based in PEI. To PEI, or polyaitherimidio is an organic polymer with moderate capacity for absorption of CO2. The absorbance was increased by a specific chemical process in which glass fibers used to make the material porosity and increase the free surface. Moreover, the new material is easy to reuse when saturated with carbon dioxide. For renewal provided that warmed to 85 degrees Celsius, while other materials absorb carbon dioxide require a temperature of 800 degrees to release the bound gas. 3 rd HIGH SCHOOL OF POLICHNI
Reusing CO2 Dr. Ola says, that materials like this could solve the energy problem of humanity: the absorbed carbon dioxide combines with hydrogen from ocean water and eventually gives methane fuel. The Green Chemistry able to use carbon dioxide as a solvent alternative, environmentally friendly, with diverse applications in organic synthesis, in catalysis, in catalysis polymerization, nanotechnology, but primarily in the extraction of vegetable raw materials. So the Green Chemistry converts carbon dioxide from waste to raw materials which replace toxic and volatile solvents in industries. 3 rd HIGH SCHOOL OF POLICHNI