CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April CERN Messaging Infrastructure Status and next steps Arnaud Taddei HEPiX RAL April 1999
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April What’s new since April 1998? For those of you who were present at the Mail Session at HEPiX Lyon At CERN, the messaging infrastructure unit moved to a new group IT / IAInternet Applications The service produced some interesting new results The rationalisation of the system reached new steps At the end of the year only a few hundred users will not use the service We are asked for more features We are asked to make the servers « rock solid » BUT We are missing 1.5 « FTE » since September 1998
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April The new CERN IT/IA « Internet Applications » group Group Leader: John Gamble(retains his role as CERN Computer Security Officer) Group Mandate ( From the memo creating the « Internet Applications » Group.) « Consolidate requirements capture, evaluation, implementation and support for services, tools and methods for information sharing and collaborative work over Internet-type networks » Group Structure: 3 Sections Collaborative MultimediaC.Isnard Messaging InfrastructureJ.Richards Web ServicesF.Fluckiger
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April LCB PEP on video-conferencing (tele-meetings), Consolidation of Video-on-demand and recording facilities, Startup of pilot Net/Web-casting server and facilities. Make these generally available Collaborative Multimedia Current Tasks Futures
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April Messaging Infrastructure Run the central Mail servers and mail gateways, Provide Listbox and user mail management tools, News servers, Calendaring service, LDAP deployment
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April Web Services Run the central webservers, and CERN search engine Support users wishing to setup and author web sites, Offer value-added tools and services for site management. Increase service acceptance in the community and reduce number of independent web servers.
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April Other Items Find out what our community needs, in terms of collaborative tools, that we can provide - on a reasonable time scale. Rationalize Netscape Support. Introduce a Certificate Authority for CERN. Develop the web service so that users want to move their pages to it.
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April Mail Servers status Statistics We integrated –mail4 in Spring 98 –mail5 in January 99 The MSMail migration is a success! Thanks to P.Hagen. –1000 people migrated in a few months, 0.5% direct problems, Only 200 people to migrate Server side rationalisation done Netscape deployment successful … eventually System# PEMsTerminated VMSMail 1300only few hundred users MSMail 1800Summer 99 QuickMail 1500end 98 AFSMail 4000?mid 98 Other Mail systems only a few hundred users Registered users12,000 Number of PEMs 8,300 Active users in 99 7,000 Concurrent users 3,500 Disk space usedINBOX 25 GB Folders 30 GB
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April MARCH Project Status We moved the first front to the User Support group –Documentation improved –User statistics tool designed, called WBUIS (P.Webb) –Access to auxiliary commands via the web instead of telnet (M.Ganz) users can change password, vacation, quota, folders statistics –Training offered to local administrators to support Netscape Spam fighing is taking up to 50% of a senior administrator ’s time (D.Wiegandt) We launched several studies which will come to conclusion by Summer We got a new staff but we are still missing manpower since September In addition our senior system administrator retires end 1999!
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April Consolidate server side in 1999 –Rationalisation of the backup system –Upgrade servers for Y2K issues –Disk space management is a Short/Medium and Long term issue –Statistics package (collect all data through Oracle) Offer new services –a much richer LDAP service HEP wide, more data, roaming, authentication –Offer a calendar server Client support –Netscape 4.5 including Mission Control Desktop –Pine 4.10 Next Steps Mail Servers - Logs - Tables - File Systems - Forwards Oracle WebMail reports - Short term: - increase file systems, - use reserve, - load balance users - Medium term: - increase disks capacity - Long term: - use single message store IMAP servers, - develop shared folders, - develop e-archive facilities
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April Netscape 4.5 Release rates from Netscape and –4.5 released in december –4.51 beginning March (one week late on announced schedule) –4.52 announced to be released –5.0 this year (complete rewrite from open software ) What ’s new in 4.5: –key improvements in the mail part … but still not enough We are trying Mission Control Desktop to facilitate deployment configuration and CDs for home users –By putting the right cofiguration file at the same place of the executable you can tell the client to contact a Java Script in which you can program the initial configuration. –See as well the status at CERN
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April LDAP Status Last year P.Matousek (CERN) and H.Jamet (IN2P3) worked together on a first o=HEP, c=NET LDAP service –2 papers were issued The Global Directory among HEP sites P.Matousek CERN and H.Jamet IN2P3 LDAP replication at CERN P.Matousek CERN –deep state of the art analysis –important comparison between referals and replication –proposed HEP person schema From CERN, somebody with the right knowledge can access RAL, IN2P3 and DESY LDAP services today!
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April LDAP Status at CERN P.Matousek left CERN and we are missing manpower. –This slowed down everything. –However reallocation of manpower and move of mail support to US group helps! P.Matousek left –a very good setup to incorporate more data with a complete description of how to rebuild LDAP service with more data and better structure. –We are scheduling when to do the change New requirements are coming –we are asked to start calendaring service and –our users need roaming access in particular with Netscape 4.5 Netscape bought by AOL + Sun will impact the server suites.
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April LDAP Plans at CERN Evaluate « distance » between different schema –reverse engineer Netscape LDAP schema for supporting calendar and roaming –support of CERN yellow pages –support for authentication services (Sun Solaris 7 and 8 with LDAP server in the kernel) –others (group support, resource support, etc.) Prepare a schema which allows other CERN units to « play » with it and gives support into a master server work on the architecture of this new service –high availability –performance –access statistics
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April LDAP at HEP: questions Could we get an official mandate to investigate the opportunity and constraints for an LDAP service at HEP level If YES, who is interested to contribute? Roles - we need so far: –a site to coordinate efforts: could it be IN2P3 due to their progress in this affair and anyway they are already facing the problem? –to meet to agree on a product to release –a project leader to follow commitment and timetables –to review the impact, results how often services are used, publicity on each site, etc. –a forum/place where to put « expertise » answer/advice
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April US Trip As we are in a new study phase we need to explore a certain number of alternatives In addition we have developed some expertise which interests some people We have good contacts with certain key people in the Internet and Vendors community in the US. So we will meet with (scheduled May 99): –B.Yeager (IMAP grand father and designer of SIMS) at Sun Microsystems –J.Myers (designer of CMU and Netscape IMAP servers) at Netscape –Product managers of Netscape 5.0 (P.Trudelle...) –M.Crispin (IMAP author), J deRoest and T.Gray at University of Washington –Our SLAC peers –We are still trying to find somebody in a big ISP and peers at Microsoft for LDAP commitment Netscape for Calendaring We are concerned about the AOL/Netscape/Sun merge for deciding our next implementations
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April Conclusions Hopefully this year most of the initial MARCH mandate (end 1996) will be completed at CERN This is raising new expectations and there are new technological atlernatives: We are facing new challenges! We believe that some new developments/deployments should be clearly done with an HEP perspective... –who is ready? –can we organize ourselves correctly?
CERN IT/IA/MI HEPiX RAL 99 14th April Miscellaneous Who is dealing with anti spam at HEP.NET