March, 17th, 1861: Creation of the Italian state 1922 : Mussolini seizes the power. Beginning of fascism, centralisation. 1947 : Birth of the Republic. New constitution. 3 elements : - A bicephal executive ; - Bicameralism with equal power between the 2 chambers ; - Constitutional Court. Beginning of the decentralisation, 40 years to become real. 20 regions (5 with a special statute), nearly 110 provinces, nearly communes 1990 (Law n°142/ 1990) : Reform, transition from a system to another one. Local governments become truly autonomous.
I. Progressive decentralisation A. Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences B. Local Ressources
I – Progressive Decentralisation A - Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences Regions : the winner of decentralisation Ordinary regions (1970) / Regions with special statute (1948) ; Bassani reform (1997) Beginning of an administrative federalism which develops regions’ competences & introduce the subsidiarity principle 2 reforms of Title V of the Constitution The legislative competence of the regions covers every subject which is not an exclusive competence of the state, or nor on the list of shared competences between the State & the regions (art. 117). Reduction of State’s competences, increase of regions’ ones. 3 bodies: - President of the Junte : universal & direct suffrage since 2000 ; - The Junte : members named by the president ; - Regional council : by 30 to 80 members, universal & direct suffrage.
I – Progressive Decentralisation A - Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences Provinces Napoleonian model ; they could have been the support of decentralisation. Art. 114 § 2 Constitution: “autonomous entities with their own statutes, powers, and functions according to the principles defined in the constitution” Technical & administrative assistance to the communes. 3 bodies: - President of province : universal & direct suffrage, member of provincial council. - Provincial council : execution of States & region’s functions. - Provincial Junta : by 30 à 80 members, universal & direct suffrage, proportional representation (50% of voices = 60% of seats).
I – Progressive Decentralisation A - Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences Communes inhabitants are needed in order to create a commune, incentive to merge and group the communes. General compence over all matters concerning the communes and competences delegated by the State ou the regions. 3 bodies : - the Mayor (5 years), universal and direct suffrage since 1993 for communes of more than inhabitants - District Junte : by 2 to 6 members named by the Mayor - Council : By 12 to 60 members, voting system same as Province’s one
I – Progressive Decentralisation A - Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences 3 levels of local governments like in France, Spain and Poland. + Mountain communities Created in 1962, official local govenrment since 1990 3 bodies : - the President - a Council - a Commission. +Metropolitan cities Created in 1990: Turin, Venise, Gênes, Bologne, Florence, Rome, Bari, Milan et Naples. Group of communes made up of a major town and showing homogeneity in economic activities, services to population, cultural identity and territorial characteristics 3 bodies: - Metropolitan Council - Commission - Mayor.
Increase of the powers of the regions Amendment of the Constitution in 2001, approved by referendum, confirmed the importance of the subsidiarity principle in the Italian system Current reforms: Italy towards a federalist system?
I – Progressive Decentralisation B – Local ressources Specific administration 1,5 million of civil servants, 16% of local administrations’ opertaing expenses Contract civil servants of private law, but with some specificities : - Competitive examination ; - Incompatibility with other jobs; - When necessary, transfers are compulsory otherwise people may be fired Reforms aiming at simplifying administration, to avoid clientelism. Outcome : a lot of civil servants. Apparition of New Public Management : assessment of performance and merit
I – Progressive Decentralisation B – Local ressources A shared fiscal competence From the State to local governments : financial provisions and equalisation funds Local expenses = 32.5 % of national public expenses Reduction of State’s financing but local governments have the power to levy new taxes Autonomy in the use of income