Unit 4: Banking Section 2: What affects your $$$
I CAN: Explain how each affects your $$ ◦ Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Interest Rates
Monetary Policy Policies of the Federal Reserve Banks create this type of policy ◦ These policies are used to help ensure price and economy stability in the US ◦ The FED makes money (this is our money supply). If they make a lot of money, interest rates go LOWER If they stop making as much money, interest rates go HIGHER How does this affect YOUR MONEY?
Interest Rates Interest rates are the COST of MONEY ◦ If you want a $200,000 home and you only have $10,000, you are willing to pay more than $200,000 so you can have your home NOW
Fiscal Policy Tax and spending policies of the Federal Government ◦ How does this affect YOUR MONEY?
CAN I? Explain how each affects your $$ ◦ Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Interest Rates I can prove this by completing: 4.2 Which type of policy