The Acts of the Apostles December 21, 2014 Bob Eckel 1 “Acts 28:1-15 Paul's Witness on Malta” Acts 28:1-6 – Paul et al are Welcomed on Malta –Malta (AKA Melita – honey) is 900 mi 2 ~ 60 miles south of Sicily & 500 miles west of Crete and filled with wonderful architecture. Malta means ‘place of refuge’. –Inhabited by Phoenicians (natives, barbarous a term that meant non-Greek speaking) who showed unusual (more than the usual) hospitality and kindness to Paul et al (276 people); and in particular during adverse weather conditions (rain, cold). And note, Paul proactively gathered wood for the fire – a lesson for us? And a viper was mistaken as a stick and hung onto Paul’s hand. –Why, usually poisonous snakes bite, release and then edema/death follow? »The viper was still sluggish (torpor) because of the cold? »God’s preservation of Paul’s existence to reach Rome? –The interpretation was that Paul was a murderer, but when he shook off the viper and didn’t die the natives believed he didn’t die because he was a god. »Pagan theology (based on human observation) vs. Christian theology (God’s revelation).
The Acts of the Apostles December 21, 2014 Bob Eckel 2 “Acts 28:1-15 Paul's Witness on Malta” »Similar interpretation of Paul as in Lystra (Acts 14:8-18). Acts 28:7-10 – Paul’s Healing Ministry –Acts 28:7 - In that region there was an estate of the leading citizen of the island, whose name was Publius, who received us and entertained us courteously for three days. Publius was the leading citizen or Roman governor of the island. Publius’ father was quite ill with fever and bloody diarrhea. –Likely a contagious illness in those days but could have been inflammatory bowel disease too. –Acts 28:8 - ….. Paul went in to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on him and healed him »‘Paul was not only heavenly-directed but also heavenly protected.’ – McCalley And then the healing of the many (those with diseases). The honoring of Paul et al was likely monetary, and also before they departed the Phoenicians supplied them with the things that were needed. –Remember, Julius was also on board.
The Acts of the Apostles December 21, 2014 Bob Eckel 3 “Acts 28:1-15 Paul's Witness on Malta” –Paul’s healing at Malta was like that of the Lord Jesus Christ in Capernaum (Luke 4:38-40). »And like Jesus, Paul could save others but not himself. Acts 28:11-15 – The Trip from Malta to Rome –After 3 months they sailed in an Alexandrian ship whose figurehead was the Twin Brothers which had wintered the island – sons of Zeus/Jupiter (Castor and Pollux), that would help protect them? Semi-dieties, e.g. a rabbit’s foot but for Paul? Made a constellation under the Latin Gemini. –Landed and spent 3 days in Syracuse
The Acts of the Apostles December 21, 2014 Bob Eckel 4 “Acts 28:1-15 Paul's Witness on Malta” (east coast of Sicily) and then fetched a compass and spent one day in Rhegium and with a south wind on to Puleoli. –Why a compass now? Puleoli (the wells) inhabited a Jewish colony, was a frequently visited port city and brethren (church) were found there, and Paul et al were invited, stayed for 7 days and then were on to Rome. –What do you think happened there? Then other brethren heard he was coming. –Acts 28:15 - …. they came to meet us as far as Appii Forum and Three Inns (Taverns). When Paul saw them, he thanked God and took courage. »For what did Paul thank God? »Three Inns was ~33 miles south of Rome on the Appian Way with the Appii Forum 10 miles further from Rome. »What does took courage (tharsos) mean? »Only NT use of tharsos.
The Acts of the Apostles December 21, 2014 Bob Eckel 5 “Acts 28:1-15 Paul's Witness on Malta” –Remember, Paul wrote his epistle to the Romans 3 years earlier (57 A.D.). »And let’s put in context Rom 15:22-29, a kind of triumphal entry, but was it really?