Fall of the Roman Empire/Origins of the Anglo- Saxon People Sam Mills, Sam Lutz, Rachel Morrison, Jeung Lee
Fall of the Roman Empire “Some say it split into an eastern and western empire governed by separate emperors. Causing Rome to fall.” “The eastern half became the Byzantine Empire, with its capital at Constantinople (modern Istanbul).” “The western half remained centered in Italy.” “Many say the Fall of Rome was an ongoing process, lasting more than a century.”
Dates “some who think the Fall of Rome happened at Constantinople in A.D. 453.” Others believe Rome fell around 150CE - 475CE. “some who think the Fall of Rome happened at Constantinople in A.D. 453.” Others believe Rome fell around 150CE - 475CE.
Angle Tribe “Were one of the Germanic peoples who migrated from continental Germany to Britain in the 5th century. “That land was later called Engla-lond (in Old English - "Land of the Angles"), thus England.” “Thanks to the major influence of the Angles, the people of England are also known as Anglo-Saxons, and, of course the English. A region of the United Kingdom is known by the name East Anglia.” “Were one of the Germanic peoples who migrated from continental Germany to Britain in the 5th century. “That land was later called Engla-lond (in Old English - "Land of the Angles"), thus England.” “Thanks to the major influence of the Angles, the people of England are also known as Anglo-Saxons, and, of course the English. A region of the United Kingdom is known by the name East Anglia.”
Saxon Tribe The Saxons were different, they used smaller knifes or short swords, as opposed to the use of long swords. The Old Saxons remained un-Christianized for centuries after the Anglo-Saxons who left for Briton were converted. Until the Christianization of the Saxons in the later part of the eighth century by Franks and Anglo-Saxons, it can be found that the Saxons were extensively Pantheistic and Pagan. The Saxons were different, they used smaller knifes or short swords, as opposed to the use of long swords. The Old Saxons remained un-Christianized for centuries after the Anglo-Saxons who left for Briton were converted. Until the Christianization of the Saxons in the later part of the eighth century by Franks and Anglo-Saxons, it can be found that the Saxons were extensively Pantheistic and Pagan.
Sources efallarticles/a/fallofrome.htmhttp://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/rom efallarticles/a/fallofrome.htm yclopedia/Angle_tribe/ yclopedia/Angle_tribe/ SPARK NOTES efallarticles/a/fallofrome.htmhttp://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/rom efallarticles/a/fallofrome.htm yclopedia/Angle_tribe/ yclopedia/Angle_tribe/ SPARK NOTES