The New Testament: “And the Word became flesh, and dwelled among us…” John 1:14
Ch. 2: The New Testament World of Jesus
Homework (due Fri., 2/26) Read pp (top); NB: RQs, p. 59 & Refl., p. 59 (due Mon., 3/1) Read 59-63; NB: RQs, pp. 61 & 63; Refl., p. 63 (due Tues., 3/2) Questions for Justin Martin (due Weds.,3/3) Read pp ; RQs pp. 67 & 70
Homework (due Thurs., 3/4) Read pp ; RQs pp. 74 & 76 (due Tues., 3/9) Prepare for Review (Weds., 3/10) TEST on Ch. 2
Political background Maccabean revolt ( B.C.) against Antiochus IV won Jewish independence, & established Hasmonean dynasty( B.C.)
Political background John Hyrcanus I –High Priest-King in Hasmonean line – B.C. –Conquered all former territory in Israel –Forced all non-Jews to be circumcised or leave (ouch!)-why? Sign of being fully Jewish “Cleansed” nation of pagan influence
Political background Aristobulus ( B.C.), next High Priest declared himself king… some thought him Messiah, but… not in line of David Israel became divided over who would be Messiah…
After the Maccabees Israel divided into factions Eventually conquered by Romans in 63 B.C. Herod the Great installed as “puppet” king in 40 B.C.
“Pax Romana” “Pax Romana” Roman “peace”/ order from Augustus> 5 th c Benefits? –Common language –Road system –Legal justice –Strong military
Herod the Great Ruled from c B.C. Beseiged Jerusalem w/ 60,000 Roman troops Called “the Great” > economic prosperity under his reign
Religion in Roman Empire Romans tolerated any religion, if –Obedience –Taxes!! Some idea of God thru philosophy/reason
Spread of Jewish Religion 3 Key factors: 1.Jews lived throughout empire 2.The Septuagint (LXX) 3.The rise of synagogues
Spread of Jewish Religion Jews were spread throughout Roman empire –Popularity of Judaism –Prepared “the Nations” for coming of the Christ
Spread of Jewish Religion The Septuagint or LXX made God’s revelation known throughout Greek & Roman empires
Spread of Jewish Religion Synagogue had replaced Temple as center of Jewish life –Why? –How connected to our Christian worship?
Proselytes of the Gate Judaism very popular in Roman empire- why? Who were they? They were more ready to “receive the Christian message- why?
Judaism in Jesus’ time: 4 Major Groups Pharisees Sadducees Essenes Zealots
Pharisees ones“separate” or “pious” ones most influential group laymen/ not official clergy focus: –Strict living of Law(Torah) –No compromise w/ gentiles (Romans) (#7-9) Expected MESSIAH WHO STRICLY TAUGHT THE LAW
Sadducees Priestly aristocracy (high priests) Concerned w/ Temple practices/ worship Generally wealthy/establishment Politics: supported Hasmoneans/Romans (#10) Expected HIGH PRIESTLY MESSIAH
Essenes Monastic community Lived in desert around Dead Sea Believed Jerusalem priesthood and worship were impure Focus: pure living of Law Apocalyptic group: awaited a New Age/ Kingdom of God Expected SPIRITUAL/OTHER- WORLDLY MESSIAH
Zealots “sicarii” (“dagger-carriers”) hated foreign Roman rule basically, terrorists: use of violence, etc. Kingdom of God by force Led revolts against Rome (66-70; AD) Expected MILITARY “BIN- LADIN”-LIKE MESSIAH
…and you??? Reflect & write on: –What is your “image” of God? Who is God for you/in your life? –What role do you honestly expect God to play in your daily life/in the world? –Is that expectation fair? Why/why not?
Judea and Galilee After Babylonian exile, people re-settled –Mostly in south, around Jerusalem (former Judah > Judea –Some in north, into Galilee (w/in former “Israel”) Trouble w/ Palestine for Rome?
The Samaritans Ethnically mixed (w/ pagan peoples) Worshipped the One God but differently Other Samaritan… stuff