Carolingian & Ottonian Art Charlemagne imported whole libraries from Italy, Byzantium; northern painters trained in Hiberno Saxon pattern making created a sophisticated Late Antique realism in their illuminated manuscripts. Carolingian Period. mid-10 th century there was a consolidation of the post-Charlemagne empire under new Saxon line of German emperors: the Ottonians. Ottonian empire advanced and enriched culture/traditions of Carolingian period Ottonians cemented ties with papacy/Italy & generated monastic reforms By the early 11th century, pagan marauders had been Christianized and settled, with signs of cultural renewal that would lead to Renaissance.
CAROLINGIAN ART Christmas day 800 Pope Leo III crowned Charles the Great/Charlemagne, the king of the Franks as emperor of Rome -> becomes the first Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne consolidated the Frankish kingdom of his father and defeated the Lombards in Italy He united Europe and laid claim to reviving the glory of the ancient Roman Empire His name Carolus Magnus in Latin is given to the era -> the Carolingian period
CHARLEMAGNE’S RENOVATION IMPERII ROMANI The “Carolingian Renaissance” Renovation Imperii Romani = renewal of the Roman Empire -> Charlemagne’s official seal 1. Artistic patronage 2. Commissioning imperial portrait statues and illuminated manuscripts 3. Fostering a general revival of learning
SCULPTURE AND PAINTING – EQUESTRIAN STATUETTE Equestrian portrait of Charlemagne or Charles the Bald, from Metz, France, 9 th century, bronze, 9 ½ “ The model for this statuette was the equestrian portrait of Marcus Aurelius in Rome Emperor is overly large -> focus is on figure not horse -> Charlemagne is on parade -> holds globe, symbol of world dominion
CORONATION GOSPELS Saint Matthew, folio 15 recto of the Coronation Gospels (Gospel Book of Charlemagne), from Aachen, Germany, ca. 800–810. Ink and tempera on vellum Patronage placed high value on books Painted manuscripts for Charlemagne’s court reveal the legacy of classical art -> use of light, shade, and perspective to create the illusion of three-dimensional form
EBBO GOSPELS Saint Matthew, folio 18 verso of the Ebbo Gospels (Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims), from Hautvillers (near Reims), France, ca. 816–835. Ink and tempera on vellum Ebbo Gospels illuminator replaced the classical calm and solidity of the Coronation Gospels evangelist with an energy that amounts to frenzy Writing frantically, drapery writhes and vibrates Merging of classical illusionism and northern linear tradition
UTRECHT PSALTER Psalm 44, detail of folio 25 recto of the Utrecht Psalter, ca , ink on vellum One of the most extraordinary medieval manuscripts is the Utrecht Psalter -> reproduces the Psalms of David in three columns of Latin capital letters Each psalm is illustrated w/a pen and ink drawing stretching across the entire width of the page Rapid, sketchy techniques to render the figures convey the same nervous vitality as the Ebbo evangelists
LINDAU GOSPELS Crucifixion, front cover of the Lindau Gospels, from Saint Gall, Switzerland, ca. 870, gold, precious stones, and pearls Sumptuous Carolingian book cover revives the image of the youthful Christ -> repousse figure is statuesque and keeps w/the classical tastes and imperial aspirations of the Frankish “emperors of Rome”
ARCHITECTURE Charlemagne -> reestablish the imperial past -> encouraged the use of Roman building techniques Reinterpretation of earlier Roman Christian sources -> fundamental to subsequent dev. of N. European architecture Models for Charlemagne -> Rome and Ravenna
AACHEN Aachen in Germany is Charlemagne’s capital Interior of the Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany, The first vaulted structure of the Middle Ages north of the Alps -> modeled on San Vitale -> but w/simple and massive geometric form Charlemagne’s throne is in gallery, halfway between earth and heaven Largest arches are on the second floor -> columns that fill the arches do not support the arch -> they fill space
Interior of the Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany, 792–805 Carolingian architecture revives Roman building techniques and forms and is marked by a solid robustness and a clearly articulated geometric structure. The Palatine Chapel at Aachen was modeled on the Byzantine church of San Vitale at Ravenna but with a simplified the plan.
Alternate View View of the Interior
LORSCH GATEHOUSE Torhalle (gatehouse), Lorsch, Germany, ninth century. The gatehouse to the Lorsch Monastery imitates the design of a Roman city gate but with several features that mark it as a northern building. 3 arched openings divided by engaged columns -> cf. the Arch of Constantine Fluted pilasters on the second story
Detail of red and beige brick surface treatment
SAINT GALL Carolingian period -> construction and expansion of many monasteries Widespread adoption of the Early Christian basilica -> example here Saint Gall To the side of the church was the CLOISTER a colonnaded courtyard reserved for the monks alone removed from the early world
MEDIEVAL GOSPELS AND BENEDICTINE RULE Drawing of the monastery at Saint Gall in Switzerland Saint Benedict -> founder of the Benedictine order of monks -> made the rules that governed the monasteries -> becomes standard for all European monastic establishments Communal association in an ABBEY -> absolute by the ABBOT elected by the monks Every day spent in useful work and in sacred reading -> work and study Self sufficient communities -> mill, bakery, infirmary, vegetable garden, brewery Monasteries central to the revival of learning -> monopoly on reading and writing
CORVEY Westwork of the Abbey church, Corvey, Germany, An important new feature of Carolingian architecture is the westwork -> a monumental western façade incorporating two towers