1 Economics of Early Education Benefits and Costs of Quality Early Education for All Presentation to the Pre-Kindergarten Education Study Committee Vermont General Assembly October 27, 2006 W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D. National Institute for Early Education Research
2 Impacts of Quality Early Education Increased Educational Success and Adult Productivity Achievement test scores Special education and grade repetition High school graduation Behavior problems, delinquency, and crime Employment, earnings, and welfare dependency Decreased Costs to Government Schooling costs Social services costs Crime costs Health care costs (teen pregnancy and smoking)
3 Randomized Trials Long Term Perry Preschool, IDS, Early Training Project Abecedarian, Milwaukee, CARE IHDP (not Disadvantaged), Houston PCDC Mauritius Preschool Study Short Term National Early Head Start National Head Start Many smaller scale studies
4 Quasi-Experimental Studies: Follow-up Into School Years Chicago Child Parent Center Study (12 th grade) Michigan School Readiness (4 th grade) South Carolina Pre-K (1 st grade) New York Pre-K (3 rd Grade) Ludwig & Miller Head Start (12 th grade +) RAND National study of 4 th grade NAEP Belfield & Schwartz ECLS-K (5 th grade) Cost Quality and Outcomes (3 rd grade) Vandell NICHD Early Care and Education Early Provision of Preschool Education (England)
5 Strong Quasi-Experimental Studies: New Results at Kindergarten Georgetown U., Tulsa, OK (All) NIEER, Rutgers U. OK (All) WV (All) AR (Disadvantaged) MI (Disadvantaged) SC (Disadvantaged) NJ (All in 31 districts with high poverty)
6 Three Benefit-Cost Analyses with Disadvantaged Children
7 High/Scope Perry Preschool: Educational Effects
8 High/Scope Perry Preschool: Economic Effects at Age 27
9 High/Scope Perry Preschool: Economic Effects at 40 Source: Schweinhart et al., 2005
10 High/Scope Perry Preschool: Arrests per person by age 27
11 Perry Preschool: Crime Effects at 40 Source: Schweinhart et al. 2005
12 Abecedarian : Academic Benefits
13 Abecedarian Reading Ach. Over Time
14 Abecedarian Math Achievement Over Time
15 Chicago CPC: Academic and Social Benefits at School Exit
16 Economic Returns to Pre-K for Disadvantaged Children Cost Benefits B/C Perry Pre-K $16,264 $277, Abecedarian$36,929$139, Chicago$ 7,417$ 52,
17 Perry Preschool CostsBenefits
18 Abecedarian CostsBenefits
19 Chicago CPC CostsBenefits
20 Could Universal Pre-K Produce Similar Benefits for the Middle Class? Middle class children have fairly high rates of the problems that preschool reduces for low-income children. Reducing these problems could generate large benefits. Income Retention Dropout Lowest 20%17% 23% 20-80% 12% 11% Highest 20% 8% 3% Source:US Department of Education, NCES (1997). Dropout rates in the United States: Figures are multi-year averages.
21 Access to Any Pre-K or Child Care Center
22 Cognitive Readiness Gap—Half as Big at Median as for the Poor (bottom 20%)
23 Social Readiness Gap—Half as Big at the Median as for the Poor (bottom 20%)
24 Effects of Today’s Programs New rigorous studies Large scale public (Head Start & State) One year of quality public Pre-K at 4 Effects of policy at entry to Kindergarten Universal and targeted programs Standardized tests Estimate effects by income and ethnicity
25 Oklahoma’s Pre-K for All 3,028 children in Tulsa public schools Rigorous RD design Gains for all SES & ethnic groups Literacy and Math gains Smaller than Perry and Abecedarian Similar to CPC Larger gains for minority and poor children Source: Gormley et al. (2004). CROCUS/Georgetown University
26 NIEER Evaluation of 6 State Pre-K Programs Over 6,000 children in 6 States OK and WV are for all children NJ for all children in 31 districts AR, MI, & SC targeted Gains from Pre-K in all 6 states Gains in language, literacy & math All children gain, low-income gain more Source: Barnett et al. (2005). NIEER/Rutgers University, plus new AR report.
27 Oklahoma 4 th Grade NAEP Scores Before and After Pre-K for All Reading gains are not statistically significant; math gains are statistically significant for Whites and Hispanics ( ).
28 Georgia 4 th Grade Math NAEP Scores Before and After Pre-K Gains from before to after UPK are statistically significant.
29 Georgia 4 th Grade Reading NAEP Scores Before and After Pre-K Gains from 1998 to 2005 are statistically significant.
30 Is Targeting More Cost-Effective? Targeting is costly and imperfect Poverty is a moving target Need is not defined by poverty alone Accurate identification is difficult Benefits do not stop at the poverty line Middle class has similar problems Benefits decrease gradually with income
31 Comparing Targeted Pre-K and Pre-K for All Targeted Pre-K has Lower Cost Pre-K for All Children: Reaches all disadvantaged children Produces larger gains for disadvantaged Produces good gains for children Yield larger net benefits Source: Barnett (2004). Maximizing returns from pre-kindergarten education. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Research Conference.
32 High Quality Preschool Programs Needed to Produce Benefits Well-educated, adequately paid teachers Good curriculum and professional development Small classes and reasonable teacher:child ratios Strong supervision, monitoring, and review High standards and accountability
33 Conclusions Preschool can be a sound investment High quality is needed for high returns High standards and adequate resources are necessary but not sufficient Plan-Do-Review is also needed Universal can be more cost-effective