1 21 st January 2011
Contents 1. The Digital Switchover 2. Implementation 3. Viewer Equipment 4. Communications 5. Discussion: Q and A Session 2
THE DIGITAL SWITCHOVER Why is it happening? Digital Television: 2 Phases When will it happen? Who is affected? -3 -
To implement EU strategy towards all-digital broadcasting Why is it happening? 4 To enhance viewer experience To free up valuable spectrum. Analogue system: 1 frequency channel, 1 TV station Digital system: 1 frequency channel, 6 TV stations
Digital Television: 2 Phases Phase 1: Digital Pay-TVPhase 2: Free-to-air TV 5 Almost 130,000 subscribers today Estimated: 16,000 households free-to-air only & 10,500 households pay-TV + free-to-air
When will it happen? Digital switch-on: 1 February 2011 The GI TV broadcasting platform will be fully operational. TVM will broadcast in digital and free-to-air following successful trials. GI stations will join TVM on the broadcasting platform. Analogue switch-off: 1 June 2011 Analogue TV broadcasts will be switched off. Four-month ‘simulcast’ period during which free-to-air TV will be available in both analogue and digital, giving consumers sufficient time to convert their analogue TV sets to digital. 6
Who is affected? The DSO affects around 16,000 households who rely solely on analogue free-to-air TV received via the conventional rooftop aerial to watch Maltese TV. Around 10,500 have both pay-TV and free-to-air TV. The DSO does not affect subscribers of GO and Melita. These subscribers will be able to watch all the free-to-air Maltese TV stations through the service to which they have subscribed. 7 X
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GIO POLICY How are we organised – The DSO Committee Key Activities of the DSO Programme The GI TV Broadcasting Platform Which TV Stations are affected? -8 -
How are we organised - The DSO Committee The objective of the DSO Committee (DSOC) is to ensure a smooth switchover to digital by coordinating all activities comprising the digital switchover programme. The DSOC brings together the following key stakeholders: Malta Communications Authority (MCA), Chair Broadcasting Authority (BA) Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications (MITC) Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family (MEEF) 9
Key Activities of the DSO Programme 10 Legal amendments (BA) Issuance of spectrum licence for use of UHF Channel 66 (MCA) Selection of GI TV stations (BA) Setting the rules for the broadcasting platform and issue of relative Multiplex Licence. (BA) Commissioning of broadcasting platform (PBS Ltd) Communications Strategy (MCA obo DSOC)
The GI TV Broadcasting Platform PBS, the public service broadcaster, has been appointed by Government as the entity responsible for the operation of the broadcasting platform. The platform has been commissioned and PBS is presently carrying out tests on UHF Channel 66 which is reserved for GI broadcasting. The BA, with the technical assistance of the MCA, will oversee the operation of the broadcasting platform. 11
How are the TV Stations affected? BA to carry out selection process for GI broadcasters. qualify automatically. Analogue TV broadcasters (Net TV, One, Smash TV) have the right of first choice. Remaining slot/s will be filled via a call for expressions of interest. 12
EQUIPMENT NEEDED TO WATCH DIGITAL TV Converting to digital Digital decoders and Digital TVs Digital Decoder Specifications -13 -
Converting to digital Digital TV set-up
Digital Decoders Set-top box SCART adapter
Digital TVs A digital TV set, often referred to as iDTV, is a TV set with an in- built digital decoder. With this option, an external digital decoder is not required. Most LCD/LED/Plasma televisions available on the market already incorporate such a tuner.
Digital Decoder Specifications In order for digital decoders (or DVB-T receivers) to be suitable for receiving free-to-air Maltese TV in digital, they need to conform to the following minimum specifications / standards: 17 FeatureSpecification / Standard Frequency rangeVHF / UHF Broadcasting standardDVB-T Compression codingMPEG-2 EPGDVB-SI Supported picture quality and format SD, 4:3 and 16:9 LanguageEnglish User manualsEnglish or Maltese as required by the Product Safety Act
COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY Campaign Structure and Audience Media channels Customer Support -18 -
Campaign Structure and Audience Three phases: Phase 1 Mid January – End February: general awareness, explaining what it is, key benefits, what action to take, when it will take place and where to seek assistance. Phase 2 March – End April: practical information on how to prepare for the switchover. Phase 3 – May: consolidation of key messages, emphasis on approaching deadline. Four target groups: Target Group 1: Persons who rely solely on analogue transmissions. Target Group 2: Persons who have a TV that currently receives only analogue transmissions but who also have a pay-TV subscription. Target Group 3: Retailers selling digital decoders and digital TVs. Target Group 4: General Public. 19
Media Channels An extensive public information campaign will run throughout the digital switchover period and will employ a variety of media channels: 20
Customer Support It is appreciated that certain people may experience difficulty during the digital switchover. Customer support will be offered in the following ways: DSO Customer Support in Retailing: Light-touch scheme in partnership with the GRTU. DSO Mark identifies retail outlet selling digital TV equipment suitable for watching digital free-to-air Maltese TV broadcasts. DSO DVB-T receiver compatibility card. Call centre – freephone 153. Public information/training sessions in collaboration with the local councils. 21