IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Project office: Lastovska.


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Presentation transcript:

IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Tel: Main project partner This project is implemented by a SQA-led consortium Qualification Strategy- A plan for structured development David Tournay

What does the ‘Sector Profile’ tell us? Highlights the scope of our sector Provides hard evidence to influence decision making Helps us to understand changes within the sector Helps to inform us of issues we may face in the future in regards to industrial change But! We still need to consider and prioritise how we may respond to the trends that the data is telling us Sector Profile

Why plan qualifications? 1.Need to understand what already exists 2. Want to build on what works well in terms of learning and development/qualifications 3. Want to build on what works well 4. Want to build qualifications based on what employers value 5. Want to ensure that qualifications support genuine workforce development 6. Want to ensure that qualifications have long term benefits to industry and the wider economy 7. Want to highlight the different ‘purposes’ that qualifications can have 8. Want to ensure that work based qualifications provide progression from school based qualifications

Data about your industry sector and its employers What is already out there being used? – what are its strengths and weaknesses? Clear plan for the future based on evidence. Clear set of objectives about what has to be achieved. From the Sector Profile Developed within the Sector Strategy Section 3 of template From the Sector Profile

3 stage template: Section 1: Summary of the key data taken from the Sector profile. Section 2: Picture established of current training provision and qualifications used. Also should include opinion as to what employers value within the system. Section 3: Part of document where you highlight the analysis of sections 1 and 2, and the arguments for the proposed actions which you wish to follow.

Case Study: Hospitality and Tourism  Major sector of Croatian economy  Contains a range of sub-sectors including hotels, restaurants, leisure facilities, camping

 Where is the concentration of employment?  Is the concentration in area where there is growth or decline?  Is concentration in job roles which are able to attract young people?

 What is forecast for the next 10 years?  Can we use the past to help judge the future? ?

Age profiles: What happens when staff employed in 5121 retire?

Other ‘issues’ to consider:  What are the qualifications that are being used?  What do employers thing about them – are they valued?  What initiatives are being implemented by Croatian Ministry of Tourism? – What impact might they have on skills requirements?

What plans might the Sector Strategy promote?  Re-development of VET to reflect increasing diversity of hospitality and tourism offer  Encourage more VET schools to deliver hospitality and tourism programmes in-land  Emphasis increasing use of technology in managing bookings and communicating with customers

What action was needed – and agreed by employers:  Develop unit based qualifications which may be used in the workplace  Ensure that the sector has a logical qualification progression pathway  Revise chef qualification to ensure students develop knowledge of a broader range of cuisines  Ensure that VET programmes have units associated with technology

How do we convert this information into a workable project activity? Set of ‘Action Plan’ documents which set out the aims, focus and timescale for specific activity

Qualification Rationale: Why more paper work!?

Purpose of the rationale:  Build a strong argument to justify the development of a qualification  Challenge you to consider some of the design features you will need to incorporate  Provide a document which can gain support/discussion prior to starting major work programme  Ensures consistency between qualifications

Start with action plans developed as part of Strategy Refer to Rationale template and guidance Form ideas – make sure it is evidence based! Form a 1 st draft which is used as a tool for wider discussion Produce final draft to submit for AVETEA approval

Group Exercise  What information do you need to complete the rationale?  Where might you find this information?  Who might you use to help develop the content