The NHS Constitution Presented by Date
The NHS Constitution What does it mean?
Overview The first NHS Constitution for England was published on 21 January 2009 It will help the NHS meet the challenges of the future - set out in Lord Darzi’s High Quality Care For All It will help bring about a new relationship between staff and patients
What is in the NHS Constitution? The Constitution contains: the principles of the NHS NHS values Rights, pledges and responsibilities for patients, the public and staff
Example principles, rights, pledges and responsibilities from the Constitution Example principle: Access to NHS services is based on clinical need, not an individual’s ability to pay. NHS services are free of charge, except in limited circumstances sanctioned by Parliament. Example right (patients and public): You have the right to access NHS services. You will not be refused access on unreasonable grounds. Example responsibility (patients and public): You should treat NHS staff and other patients with respect and recognise that causing a nuisance or disturbance on NHS premises could result in prosecution. Example pledge (to staff): The NHS commits to provide all staff with personal development, access to appropriate training for their jobs and line management support to succeed.
How was the Constitution created? The draft Constitution was based on extensive research with staff, patients, public and stakeholders The consultation process was led locally by SHAs and involved thousands of people Constitutional Advisory Forum (CAF) reported to the Secretary of State with recommendations to improve the document
What were the results of the consultation? An overwhelmingly positive response, with a broad consensus in favour of a NHS Constitution Substantially revised Handbook – more accessible and with more information - and a Statement of NHS Accountability New rights for patients
How will the Constitution work? The Constitution is not a lawyers’ charter. Its strength is in empowering patients and staff to know what they can expect from the NHS All providers and commissioners of NHS services will be legally required to have regard to the Constitution It will be fully reviewed every ten years
What does the Constitution mean for staff? High quality care requires high quality workplaces The Constitution contains pledges to staff to provide high quality workplaces. It also makes clear what things staff can do to support delivery of high quality care The Constitution forms the basis of a new relationship between staff and patients All existing staff legal rights and duties are set out in one place
Next steps For the Constitution to work, it needs to become part of everyday life in the NHS for patients, the public and staff The impact of the Constitution will be measured Achieving the aims of the Constitution will require leadership and partnership at a local level
How will you use it? How will you live it? How will it make a difference to you? Next steps
Further information Staff Patients and public