BECOMING AN EMPLOYER OF CHOICE Marc Anderberg Career Development Resources
Define Rationale Characteristics and Practices Exemplary Case Study Role of the Texas Workforce Network
Defining “employer of choice” A firm that succeeds in increasing its profitablility and/or market share through effective human resource management practices. Notice two things implied in this definition What is in it for employers? It is the employees who are making important choices
Nothing really new - Call for a return to the old notion of a “social contract” between the employer and the employee A mutually beneficial relationship based on “reciprocity.” Optimal productivity in exchange for fair treatment
RATIONALE Productivity, profitability and growth Link between skills and productivity Scarcity gives highly skilled workers wider latitude in their choices regarding where they work and under what conditions A “happy” worker is more likely to come on board, be productive and remain loyal
What is in it for the employer? Reduced cost of turnover Downtime or costly alternatives Recruitment Know-how Increased productivity Decreased absenteeism Proficiency gains with time Intangibles -- like dedication
What’s in it for the employee? Employment retention Profitable firms less likey to downsize When firms downsize, the most productive workers are the least likely to get cut Career progression Earnings gains Intangibles Sense of security Sense of satisfaction
Characteristics and Practices Above average wages and benefits Work-style Internal career ladder Commitment to skill upgrades Amenities example - employer-arranged on-site child care
Case Study -- SAS Corporation Practices Results
Role of the Texas Workforce Network Labor market information Job development Incumbent worker training Technical assistance & audits Exit interview feedback Promoting the concept Recognizing employers of choice
What’s in it for the Texas Workforce Network? Obligation to employers under WIA Building relationships with employers based on an understanding of their “bottom-line” requirements Becoming the provider of choice Serving the needs of the job-seekers
Note that I put serving the job-seekers at the end of the list Change in the paradigm of workforce development under WIA for practical reasons and philosophical reasons Without productivity there are no profits. Without profits, there is no growth. Without growth, there aren’t enough jobs to absorb your job-seekers
Marc Anderberg (512)