Augustana! A great congregation with a really old constitution
A constitution is... A LEGAL document
A constitution is... a PLANNING document
A constitution is... a MISSIONAL document
So what do we do with a really old constitution? We breathe new life into it!
How will that happen? The Council named a committee of members...
Folks you know Dennis Brooks Alden Peterson Myrna Sheie (chair) Laura Thalacker Pastor Mark and Roseta Akin (ex-officio)
What did they do? Began with our current constitution... based on the ELCA’s 1989 Model Constitution for Congregations
Then added some things ELCA’s revisions since 1989 Some are “required provisions”
And some more... changes describing Augustana today
So what’s next? Review by the Oregon Synod
And then... Review by the Church Council
And then... Review by YOU!
What do we review? the current constitution (1991) the proposed constitution (marked up) the proposed constitution (no marks)
Some helpful hints Constitutional provision (C_ _._ _ ) Bylaws (B _ _._ _._ _ ) Continuing resolutions
What do the marks mean? Strikeouts = deletions Underlined = additions Highlights = committee’s changes * = required provisions
What’s the timeline? Review until November 5 Amendments are welcome Council acts November 12 Augustana acts: January 26 (annual meeting)
Send amendments to... Myrna Sheie
How about questions? Any committee member
Questions? ???
Thank you... for breathing new life into Augustana’s really old constitution!