Jeopardy Citizen Action Yanks and Brits The Puritans, Anglicans, Catholics and Philosophers $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Whose in Charge Anyway? Mean Monarchs & Limitations
$100 Citizen Action What document established the American government after the Revolutionary War?
$100 Answer The Articles of Confederation
$200 Citizen Action When the American colonists boycotted British Goods, what did they hope to achieve?
$200 Answer They wanted to protest the unfair taxes that the British placed upon the colonists.
$300 Citizen Action Why did Thomas Paine write Common Sense?
$300 Answer To justify the colonists breaking away from England
$400 Citizen Action Give 3 examples of citizen action during The American Revolution
$400 Answer 1.) Boycott British goods 2.) Published Common Sense 3.) Boston Tea Party
$500 Citizen Action Describe the Boston Tea Party. What was it in response to? What happened after?
$500 Answer After Boston Massacre, G.B. lifted many taxes except for the Tax on tea. Colonists dressed as Native Americans and dumped chests of tea In Boston Harbor. G.B. responded with the Intolerable Acts- colonists had to pay for All the tea, could not meet more than twice a year without Special permission.
$100 Mean Monarchs & Limitations Why was Charles I Executed?
$100 Answer He would not share power with Parliament
$200 Mean Monarchs & Limitations Which leader ruled England on behalf of parliament but acted as a Dictator?
$200 Answer Oliver Cromwell
$300 Mean Monarchs & Limitations What was a common cause for both the English and American revolutions?
$300 Answer Taxes, enlightenment philosophies, quartering soldiers
$400 Mean Monarchs & Limitations Describe three results of the Glorious Revolution.
$400 Answer 1.James II flees 2. No bloodshed 3. Bill of Rights passed
$500 Mean Monarchs & Limitations How did the monarchs change after the English Civil War? Give an example of a monarch before the war and a monarch after the war.
$500 Answer Before: James I - Ignored Magna Carta & sold titles of nobility, Charles I- ignored petition of rights After: Charles II-accepted petition of rights, William and Mary- bill of rights, Anne-cabinet, George I-prime minister
$100 Yanks and Brits What is the greatest legacy of the English Civil War?
$100 Answer No King will ever have absolute power
$200 Yanks and Brits What did the American colonists and the Puritan Roundheads have in common?
$200 Answer Inspired by John Locke
$300 Yanks and Brits True or False: All of the following contributed to the cause of the American Revolution: -Anger over closing territories to settlers -Taxation -Anger over the Act of Settlement
$300 Answer False: Anger over the Act of Settlement has nothing To do with the Colonies. It prevented a Catholic from Inheriting the throne in England.
$400 Yanks and Brits Why were the Navigation Acts considered to be a protective tariff?
$400 Answer They benefited Great Britain economy instead of the colonies.
$500 Yanks and Brits Name the 4 ways the Petition of Rights limited the Power of the King
$500 Answer 1.No Martial Law 2.No Quartering of Soldiers 3.No Taxation without consent of Parliament 4.No jailing without cause
$100 Whose in charge anyway? Who was the King at the time of the American Revolution?
$100 Answer King George III
$200 Whose in charge anyway? Who were the Puritans?
$200 Answer Gained influence in Parliament before the Civil War and were persecuted by some of the British monarchs, so they fled to the colonies.
$300 Whose in charge anyway? In the Declaration of Independence, it refers to our Unalienable rights…what are they and what are they called?
$300 Answer Life, liberty, property (pursuit of happiness) Natural Rights
$400 Whose in charge anyway? What did John Locke say about social contract?
$400 Answer People have the right to overthrow an Unjust government.
$500 Whose in charge anyway? Name 2 English Monarch’s that accepted limitations on their power, and the limits they accepted?
$500 Answer Charles II – Petition of Rights, habeas corpus Wm & Mary – English Bill of Rights Anne – Cabinet George I – Prime Ministers power began to expand
$100 The Puritans, Anglicans, Catholics and Philosophers Which English leader followed Puritan Rule?
$100 Answer Oliver Cromwell
$200 The Puritans, Anglicans, Catholics and Philosophers Who were the two political parties that formed following the English Civil War? Why did they form?
$200 Answer The Whigs (don’t support James) and The Tories (support James), disputes about whether James II (Catholic) would become King
$300 The Puritans, Anglicans, Catholics and Philosophers Describe Montesquieu philosophy?
$300 Answer Belief in the separation of powers. We see this in our Constitution with the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative Branch…US Constitution
$400 The Puritans, Anglicans, Catholics and Philosophers What group gained power in Parliament before the Civil War?
$400 Answer Puritans (Roundheads)
$500 The Puritans, Anglicans, Catholics and Philosophers Who said: I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. What does it mean?
$500 Answer Voltaire-Freedom of Speech-Bill of Rights
Final Jeopardy Name one enlightenment philosopher other than John Locke that still influences our society today. Explain this/her idea and how it is still making an impact today
Final Jeopardy Answer Montesquieu’ s ideas of balancing power between the branches of govt. It is part of the US constitution and today there are still checks and balances among the three branches. Example: Pres. can veto Congress, the Supreme Ct. can declare a law or presidents actions unconstitutional, Congress can override a veto Voltaire’s ideas of freedom of speech and freedom of the press are found in the US bill of rights. Citizens of the US enjoy few limits on free speech and can practice any religion. Rousseau’s ideas of power rests with the people and will of the majority are found in the Constitution. Citizens can get rid of an unjust /corrupt leader by voting them out of office, impeachment or recall. Will of the majority is how we elect our president—the majority of the population decides.