J E OPA R D Y Launching the New Government
Directions: Divide class rows into teams. The first person in row 1 selects a category amount. When the “answer” appears, the first person has 45 seconds to formulate a correct “question” to the answer. Other row members may whisper a suggested question. If correct, the person’s row wins the dollar amount. If incorrect, they receive no “money.” Play continues to row 2. After all rows have gone, start again with row one, person #2, and so on, until all category amounts have been chosen. The row with the most money wins. Answer each statement with a question. Be sure to wait until the hand appears before clicking any item. If the slide doesn’t change after clicking the icon, try clicking in the lower right corner of the icon.
WalkThrough War of 1812 U.S. Constitution
Government Experiment Century
What are the key words for the 1700’s? 100
The Barter and Charter Century
What are the key words for the 1600’s? 200
The Superbowl Century
What are the key words for the 1500’s? 300
James Madison
Who was the 4 th President? (Or, who was Thomas Jefferson’s Secretary of State? Or, who wrote the Constitution?) 400
He was president when the War of 1812 ended.
Who was James Madison? 500
This is the power of the Supreme Court to decide whether laws and actions of the government are constitutional.
What is Judicial Review? 100
This describes an idea in the Constitution that is not specifically stated, but could be interpreted to mean this idea by what is written there.
What are implied powers? 200
These are powers that are specifically listed or stated in the Constitution.
What are enumerated powers? 300
This is the name of the Supreme Court case that gave the Supreme Court the power of Judicial Review.
What was Marbury v. Madison? 400
These claimed that each state had an equal right to judge for itself if a law was constitutional or not.
What were the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions? 500
These were intended to keep Britain and France from trading with other nations.
What were the blockades? DD 200x2
This was the policy of English vessels seizing American ships and forcing sailors to become part of the English Navy.
What was impressment? 100
This was the name of the Indian leader who organized many Native American nations into a confederation during the War of 1812.
Who was Tecumseh? 200
As a result of this war, Great Britain had promised to vacate their Northwest trading posts in America.
What was a result of the Revolutionary War? DD 100x2
Besides seizing our ships and impressment, this was another reason we went to war with England in 1812.
What was the result of England providing the Indians with guns and ammunition? (And/or, what was the result of England not vacating their Northwest trading posts?) 300
He wrote the Star-Spangled Banner.
Who was Francis Scott Key? 400
These are the first five words of our national anthem.
What are “O say, can you see?” the words to? 500