Classical Art History Greek and Roman Art
Diskobolos (Discus Thrower) Roman marble copy after a bronze original of ca. 450 BCE Myron. Life-size. When we study Greek sculpture, we are actually studying Roman copies of Greek sculpture. The Romans admired Greek art, and when Roman generals began conquering Greek cities (around 211 BCE), they returned with works of art. Roman studios were set up with the goal of copying Greek art.
Diskobolos (Discus Thrower) Roman marble copy after a bronze original of ca. 450 BCE Myron. Life-size. The Greeks mostly created their sculptures in bronze, but because bronze is valuable, most were melted down and recast into weapons. This is why so few original Greek statues survive, and why we study the Roman copies instead. The Roman copies were carved out of marble stone.
Diskobolos (Discus Thrower) Roman marble copy after a bronze original of ca. 450 BCE Myron. Life-size. Discus-throwing was the first event in the pentathlon. Pentathletes were admired for their physical traits, because no one set of muscles was overdeveloped, with the result that their muscles were harmonious in proportion. The figure in the sculpture is frozen at the point just before he begins his motion.
The Parthenon Iktinos and Kallikrates. Athens, Greece BCE The Parthenon sits atop The Acropolis of Athens.
The Parthenon Iktinos and Kallikrates. Athens, Greece BCE The building of the Parthenon was overseen by two architects, Iktinos and Kallikrates. The Parthenon was built to honor the Goddess, Athena. The Parthenon would have been the focal point during a festival that occurred in Athena’s honor.
The Parthenon Iktinos and Kallikrates. Athens, Greece BCE The Parthenon is notable because it combined architecture and sculpture. This is especially easy to see in the pediments. The pediment is the triangular shape on either end of the Parthenon.
The Parthenon’s East Pediment Iktinos and Kallikrates. Athens, Greece BCE The East Pediment shows the birth of Athena with many Greek Gods and Goddesses in attendance. The right side shows the Goddess of the moon leading a chariot to the moon’s setting. The left side shows the God of the sun leading a chariot to the sun’s rising.
The Pantheon Rome BCE The Pantheon is a Roman architectural masterpiece, and it is one of the best- preserved works of architecture from classic antiquity. It is a concrete building, supported by granite columns. The Pantheon was a temple dedicated to all of the gods.
The Pantheon Rome BCE The front of The Pantheon is a rectangular temple. Upon entering the temple, viewers would see a domed structure with a 27- foot hole in the center. The hole in the center of the dome is called the oculus.
The Pantheon Rome BCE The light coming in through the oculus would draw visitors into the center. The oculus would also draw the eye upward to the dome. The dome’s interior was once covered with bronze rosettes that looked like the starry night sky.