The World of EBooks Ann Smith Sioux Falls Public Schools
What is an eBook A book that can be read electronically Originally designed for computer viewing –Project Gutenberg –International Children’s Digital Library –TumbleBooks (through Siouxland Kids)
Then…..came eReaders Sony eReader Kindle Nook Color Nook SmartPhone iPad
Quick vocab check DRM – Digital Rights Management EPub – flexible format that works on many devices (originally NOT Kindle) MOBI – less flexible format, does work with Kindle Wma – audiobook format for windows Wmv – videobook format for windows Mp3 – audiobook format compatible with most devices 3G/4G
Clarifying Don’t get eBooks confused with unlimited copies Not everything is available as an eBook Don’t get eBooks confused with audiobooks
Getting eBooks Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo iTunes Audibly FBReader
What device do I get? What is your purpose? –Young children – pictures, colors, sounds You’ll want color – the Nook Color or iPad –To be immersed in text; enjoy a good story The classic Nook and Kindle will likely fit the bill –To reduce the number of devices I carry around but be able to read occasionally SmartPhone iPad – slightly less mobile, but better than a laptop –Primarily for reading, but with some applications for other uses and for occasional websurfing Nook Color