Contributor personality development. ( PRINCIPLES OF LONG TERM SUCCESS.)
C RITERIA TO BE A CONTRIBUTOR There are four criteria to be a contributor:- 1) Achieves the goal. 2) Demonstrate 100% excellence. 3) Saws integrity / Unity. 4) Demonstrates human concern. “What use in polishing outside, When there is no inside.” -Swami Vivekananda.
Topic – The contributor’s vision of success. Faculty members – Heena madam. Preeti madam. Division – Mechanical H.
For a contributor success in life means to have a deeper and wider vision which includes inner satisfaction, personal fulfillment, development of self esteern, development of personal capabilities. - “It means not only external rewards but also deep inner fulfillment.” - The writer of the book wants us to have a large vision of success so that we create material, intellectual
and spiritual success not only for ourselves but also our fellowmen and our whole country. A person who has a long vision of success must have “External success + Inner success.”
D IFFERENCE BETWEEN - Awards. Good relationship with people. Beating completitio -n. Respect of colleagu - es. Promotions. Financial profit. The excitement of overcoming challenges. Stretching one’s boundaries as a human being. Inner contentment. Building new capabilities. Self – confidence. External success Inner success
E XPLORATION 1 External success – I want high position in this hospital so I will care all the patients and complete my targets. Inner success + External success – The high position offered for my targets will be an additio - nal benefit + more important
is that I make my patients happy and more comfortable in life. Also I want to experience the challenge of working for a target and the joy of achieving it with happiness of my patient. And to the society as well.
E XPLORATION 2 - External success – I just wants to complete my given work and go home and get my monthly salary and my increment letter. External success + inner success - I want to get my monthly salary and go home and wait for my increment
letter + But more impor -tant is to help my office members and solve it with some ideas. Also to help them in their design work too. It will give me extra know - ledge and new experience and it will be a challenge.
E XPLORATION 3 - Milind’s success vision (Financial success alone) – At such a young age, I am a millionaire! I have my own company, many cars, different types of houses. I have achieved ever thing in my life money standard etc. Also the things which are rarely available. Of course I had to sacrifice all the relationship
to reach at this high position but it doesn’t cares. You have to lose some thing to gain some. Though i am at top. Mohan's vision of success (All round success) – I have made a comfortable life for my family. We are able to enjoy it to gather and we are we are very close to each other.
I always stood by my principles and respected in the society and community for that. People always come first in my life ! No amount or money is more worthy than a lost relationship. I always stood by people, and I knew that my family members and my society will stand by me if I ever need it. More important is, my people respect me and support me. I have a lot of love and joy in my
life……mu life is very “full”. For me my relation is Priceless. Some thoughts by real life people is as follows – “We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us.”
“ Three things are important for success – Design capability, goal setting and realization, and the strength to withstand the setbacks.” “ To succesed in your mission, you must have single – minded devotion to your goal.”
The people who contributed in this project are – 1) Utsav parekh. 2) Kiran chauhan. 3) Sagar saindane. 4) Kishan vasava. 5) Mehul vasava. 6) Ashish pathava. 7) Jadav ajinkya.
Thank you