Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland – TEK –TEK is an organisation for graduate engineers, architects and those with equivalent qualifications. –TEK acts as a union for its members in all professional, educational and social matters related to employment and maintains collective bargaining
TEK –TEK promotes technology for the benefit of people, the environment and society. –TEK has members making it the second largest union in The Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals (Akava)
TEKs Main Activities Education Quality of Engineering Education Appreciation and Recognition of M.Sc. Degree Technology Technology Policy Appreciation of Technolog y Society Incomes Policy Social Wellfare Labour Market Collective Bargaining Agreements Labour Legislation
TEKs Values -Member Satisfaction -Effectiveness -Competence -Responsibility -Transparency
TEKs Organisation
History of TEK
The Number of TEK Members
TEK Membership According to Employment Sector TEK Labour market survey 2010
TEK Membership According to Position Held TEK Labour market survey 2010
TEKs International Contacts