STOCK MARKET HANDBOOK Rod Hames Crews Middle School, Gwinnett County Public Schools, Lawrenceville, GA Dr. Sherah Carr Assistant Professor, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA
1. How far back can stock trading be traced in this country? a.Industrial Revolution b.Civil War c.American Revolution
2.What is a Bull and Bear Market? a. The Markets going up and down b. The Markets in a down turn c. The Markets in an up turn
3.Why does the stock market use symbols to represent companies? a.It was a way to visually locate companies b.It was a way to easily identify companies c.It was a way to rank companies
Our economy in many ways revolves around the ups and downs of the stock market Student “get-it” when it comes to the value of learning about stocks It provides an element of competition and excitement It can be easily simulated in the classroom It teaches an endless amount of financial terms and concepts It is just fun to learn about I bet you can think of even more reasons to study this subject
Engagement How do you make a subject engaging if it is not already engaging?
Making it relevant
Why Save?
History and Basic Terms PowerPoint slides…
PowerPoint Written Form
PowerPoint Video Format
Follow up questions from the PowerPoint
Video Reinforcement
Investment Options: Stocks or your local bank?
Guess the market through charts?
Prepare for the test with some drill and practice
Give a quiz
Stock Market 102 Using NYSE website to find company quote data
PowerPoint Slides
Apply what you learned
Another Quia Website Game
Final Exam over reading a stock quote
You Earned it… an official Crews Stock Broker License
Why Blog?
How about a post card?
For more information contact: Sherah B. Carr, Ph.D. Mercer University – Tift College of Education Atlanta, GA Web site:
Survey compared student engagement in regular classes TO Student engagement in the stock market simulation project
The High School Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE, pronounced “hessie”) is an annual survey assesses the levels and dimensions of student engagement Also a middle school version
Elements of Student Engagement in Literature & Research Creativity Challenge/higher order thinking Interest/excitement/curiosity Task completion Working hard Teachers role Lack of boredom Choice Real life connection Competition Extra Work Link to student engagement web sites and references
On 14 of the15 engagement components, students reported higher levels of engagement in the technology business creation & stock market project than in regular classes. The one component that they reported less involvement was doing extra work beyond class time. Link to student survey data
Student Survey Question I feel engaged during the work in my classes. I felt engaged during the stock market project.
Student Interviews about Regular Classes What kinds of learning situations keep you the most engaged? Project based learning Hands-on learning Having a chance to be creative Being involved What kind of learning situations are the most boring to you? Just taking notes or doing only worksheets Lectures (especially with PowerPoint) Teacher has no enthusiasm Teacher characteristics (moody, strict, mean, ignores questions) Student response - “It is so, so boring to just take notes. I take so many notes and I don’t even look at the notes.” Link to summary of themes reported from student interviews
Student Interviews about Stock Market Project What engaged you most about the Stock Market Project? Creating my own company Competing in the stock market challenge Using computers and the web Being interactive What did you like the least about the Stock Market Project? Losing money in the stock market Nothing Quizzes Lots of work
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