Presented by, Patricia Troy-Brooks Workforce Expert….Career Navigator…..Author (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
The World has Changed in the 21 st Century Have you Changed? Have you changed how you package your brand? Do you have a brand or know what your brand is? (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
Are you taking steps to compete in this highly competitive global market? (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
Job Seeker – out shine the competition If employed – employers have choices If you are a student – job seekers with more experience If you are a seasoned worker – tech savvy younger generation On Every Level you must be your best and do your best in order to navigate your future and control your destiny (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
Technology advancements Adaptability Economic Globalization Higher Employer Expectations Productivity Rate More diverse workplace Must be a Life Long Learner to Survive What has changed in the 21 st Century Workplace? (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
“If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.” --Jack Welch (former Chairman & CEO of General Electric) Are You Changed? (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
3 Steps To Navigating Your Future In The 21 st Century (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
To Compete in the 21 st Century you must build a strong brand (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
The process of identifying what makes you unique and relevant then communicating that brand message to the proper audience. (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
To succeed in the workplace, you need a well- defined personal brand that supports your company’s mission It is wise for job seekers to build a personal brand because doing so will lead to fresh opportunities (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
Personal branding is very powerful because it sends a clear, consistent message about who you are and what you have to offer. A strong, authentic personal brand helps you become known for what you're good at, sets you apart from everyone else, and can position you as a niche expert. Have fun creating your brand (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
Need strong brand to gain employment Helps you maintain employment it properly positions you in your employer’s mind. Differentiates you from other’s Increases your visibility, and credibility. You feel relevant, valued and significant which boosts your self confidence. (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
Step 2- Polish your Internet Presence (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
Manage your digital footprint (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
Set up social media accounts Connect with as many people as you can Facebook & LinkedIn. Social Media can help you and hurt you. Be careful what you & others post (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
A Polished Internet Presence Is the Key to Navigating Your Future & Achieving Success (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
The world is changing FAST Technology is evolving Processes are changing To stay relevant you must commit to being A life Long Learner What is a Life Long Learner? (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
Stop learning you die By continuing the learning process you remain relevant. The opposite of relevant is irrelevant… you get to pick which one you want to be labeled (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks
We make a living by what we get and a life by what we give. Winston Churchill- (c) Patricia Troy-Brooks