Supporting Your Child Through GCSE Modern Foreign Languages
You are expected to become familiar with a variety of topics under 4 sub-headings: Lifestyle Leisure Home & Environment Education & Work
Lifestyle HEALTH Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles and their consequences RELATIONSHIPS & CHOICES Relationships with family and friends Future plans regarding: marriage/partnership Social issues and equality
Leisure LEISURE Free time activities Shopping, money, fashion and trends Advantages and disadvantages of new technology HOLIDAYS Plans, preferences, experiences What to see and getting around
Home & Environment HOME AND LOCAL AREA Special occasions celebrated in the home Home, town, neighbourhood and region, where it is and what it is like ENVIRONMENT Current problems facing the planet Being environmentally friendly within the home and local area
Education & Work SCHOOL/COLLEGE & FUTURE PLANS What school/college is like Pressures and problems CURRENT AND FUTURE JOBS Looking for and getting a job Advantages and disadvantages of different jobs
How are we assessed?
The course is assessed via the four main skills, listening, reading (worth 20% of the total mark) speaking, and writing (worth 30% of the total mark)
Listening One paper at the end of the course
Reading One paper at the end of the course
Speaking Controlled Assessment Internally assessed 2 tasks submitted
Writing Controlled Assessment Externally assessed 2 tasks submitted
everything you need to know about…
everything you need to know about… …preparing for controlled assessment Textivate! click herehere
everything you need to know about… …preparing for controlled assessment Make use of your phone! Record your text and listen to it regularly!
everything you need to know about… …preparing for controlled assessment YakiToMe! Copy and paste your text Speed up or slow down the French Create an account and download a mp3 file
everything you need to know about… …preparing for controlled assessment Work out your prompts early! When you start to learn, you will discover which words you need to recall the sentence.
everything you need to know about… …preparing for controlled assessment Speak, speak, speak! Say it aloud over and over and over and over and over and over and over again!
everything you need to know about… …preparing for controlled assessment Write, write, write (& check!) Make sure that your controlled assessment (under exam conditions) is not the first time you are writing out your text
You will be given a booklet containing all the vocabulary needed for MFL GCSE. Remember if you are sitting the higher tier, you need to be familiar with both foundation & higher vocabulary. PUPILS MUST ENSURE THEY ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE VOCABULARY. Use Kerboodle to help you practise vocabulary.
Online Exam Questions direct from the exam board will be available. These resources have been created by the same people who write the examination paper so is a brilliant way to prepare for the final examinations.
Lastly, all interactive reading and listening exercises from Kerboodle will be assigned to students.