Mrs. Schultz Wegienka Elementary
Language Arts MacGraw-Hill Reading Series Students are introduced to writings by a variety of great authors in the areas of fiction, nonfiction, fantasy, poetry, and biographies. Although we use a reading book it will not be used every week.
Reading Skills ► Comprehension- how well does your child understand what they are reading? Ask questions, “Can you summarize? What do you think about what just happened? ► Fluency- Reading without a lot of decoding so the reading makes sense. Students reading aloud at home and also listening to you read helps to strengthen these skills.
Spelling ► 15 words per week +1 challenge word ► After the first trimester there will be 16 words. Tests- Wednesday and Friday
Vocabulary ► 8 words per week ► Words come from math, science and social studies Test- Friday
Writing Writer’s Workshop every day We will write using the Writing Process Voice Sentence fluency Organization Ideas Word choice Conventions +Presentation
Math (see Parent’s Guide) ► Numbers and Operations Place value Order numbers Even/odd numbers ► Add & Subtract Whole Numbers ► Multiply & Divide Whole Numbers ► Problem Solving- ongoing ► Understand Simple Fractions Adding and subtracting fractions ► Simple Decimal Fractions in relation to Money ► Measurement Length, weight, temperature, time Area and perimeter Geometric Shapes Data & Probability
Science- National Geographic ► EARTH SCIENCE Energy, solid Earth, Earth’s Water and Earth in Space ► PHYSICAL SCIENCE Force and motion, energy, properties and changes of matter ► LIFE SCIENCE Living things, heredity, adaptation, ecosystems ► SCIENCE PROCESSES- Inquiry Process (Scientific Method) ► Students will receive their code to access the science series online at home which includes the text and games to reinforce science concepts.
Young Scientist ► Present a simple experiment for the class demonstrating the Scientific Method. ► Each student will do one experiment of their choice. ► Begin in October.
Social Studies- Michigan ► History from 4000 B.C. to Statehood 1837 ► Geography ► Government and Civics ► Economics
Reports & Projects ► American Indian Project (OCT-NOV) ► Book Report (FEB-MAR) ► Informational Report (APR-MAY)
Classroom Communication ► Our website is updated every week, please check it for the week’s schedule. ► Weekly Three Press will come home every Monday. ► Communication folders will come home every night with corrected work and any information from the office. ► Homework/Behavior charts are asked to be signed every night so you are aware of classroom behaviors and what is due for homework.
Homework Weekly Schedule ► Monday- Reading ► Tuesday- Spelling ► Wednesday- Math ► Thursday- Writing ► Friday- Reading 30 minutes over the weekend
How can you help your child succeed? ► Get to school on time each day. ► Provide a place for homework. ► Make sure that your child reads each day and completes her/his homework. ► Get enough sleep (9-11 hours) and a nutritious high protein breakfast.
Contact Me ► Write me a note and put it in the purple communication folder ► me at ► Contact me through our website ► Give me a call: ext. 2510
Daily Expectations ► Be prepared Homework Daily Purple Folder Homework/Behavior Chart signed ► Open Communication , phone, notes in folder