You have learned that expected frequencies can be used to decipher a rather basic code. As you examine cryptology exhibits, you will learn about the long history and importance of this valuable tool and the many people who were integral to its development. You will also keep a journal in which you will answer questions and record your thoughts. To begin, read the following story by Edgar Allen Poe, which describes a cryptogram. The Gold-Bug
Background: The museum is provided by the National Security Agency, and its exhibits highlight the tools and techniques used in the profession throughout American and world history, beginning with Egyptian hieroglyphics. It is home to thousands of artifacts that have been used for national defense. Location: Fort Meade, MD Useful terms Cryptographic Algorithms
The first cipher wheels were wooden disks with letters of the alphabet randomly placed around the wheel aligned with the letters in the correct order. In the 18 th century, cipher wheels became more complex by combining 20 to 30 disks, each with a different arrangement of letters, on an iron rod. The plain text on one wheel is aligned with the cipher text on another. The 18 th century device on display in the museum is similar to one described by Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson’s Wheel Cipher
With a partner, make your own cipher wheel following the directions below. How to Make a Cipher Wheel
As in all aspects of life, the cryptology profession for African Americans started out segregated. Many, however, were able to eventually work their way up to top rankings. Read about some of their stories. Biographies
When did hiring begin to be widespread for African Americans in what is today known as the National Security Agency?
Twenty-four women’s stories are found in this exhibit. Women, although less well-known and in fewer numbers than men, were very influential to the development of cryptology. The display highlights contributions dating back to the American Revolution. Biographies Biographies As you scan through the biographies, pick one that interests you and do more research about her. In your journal, write at least two paragraphs summarizing what the woman did and why you found her work interesting.
Read about cryptology in at least one of the following wars and write a paragraph in your journal about its importance in the conflict. Enter the museum’s virtual tour to find the wars. You may also conduct your own search to learn more. Virtual Tour Civil War World War I World War II Cold War Korean War Vietnam War
A replica of the Rosetta Stone is on display in the language exhibit. No one could interpret Egyptian hieroglyphics for 20 centuries until it was discovered. The inscription on the stone also contains Greek and Demotic Egyptian. The actual Rosetta Stone is housed in the British Museum. British Museum More about the Rosetta Stone More about the Rosetta Stone
1. What is contained in the text on the Rosetta Stone? 2. Why is the stone called the Rosetta Stone?
Take a moment to view the names on the memorial wall in the museum. These cryptologists lost their lives defending our country. Memorial Wall
How many names did you find on the memorial wall that were female?
If you are interested in any of the exhibits we have not viewed or discussed, you may wish to go back and complete the tour of the museum from its website. Virtual Tour
Now that you’ve had a taste of the influence cryptology has had on history, read the tips for solving basic cryptograms. solving basic cryptograms Click on the link to solve some cryptograms for yourself. You may choose from several different types of cryptograms with several examples of each type. You must print and turn in one cryptogram that you solve. Cryptogram Puzzles
museum/virtual_tour/index.shtml museum/virtual_tour/index.shtml s/highlight_objects/aes/t/the_rosetta_stone.aspx s/highlight_objects/aes/t/the_rosetta_stone.aspx
Sign: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:National-cryptologic- museum.jpgcommons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:National-cryptologic- museum.jpg Book: Cipher wheel: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jefferson's_disk_cipher.jpg commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alberti_cipher_disk.JPG African Americans: shtml shtml Women gallery: War Artifacts: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NSA_museum.jpgcommons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NSA_museum.jpg Rosetta Stone: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rosetta_stone.jpg