100 Things You Should Know About World Wonders Written by: Adam Hibbert By: Madi Mitchell
Summary I read a book called 100 Things You Should Know About World Wonders. This is a Historical informational text. The book is about historical places around the world. Places like, pyramids, hidden cities and more.
1st Interesting Fact On page 8 I learned that The Great Sphinx is very old. It was carved over 4,500 years ago. The statue is so old that sand blowing in the wind rubbed away detail in the statues face.
2 nd Interesting Fact On page 10 I figured out that the Egyptians were not the only ones who built pyramids. The South American people were the other people who built pyramids. The South American people used the pyramids as temples instead of tombs.
3 rd Interesting Fact On page 16, during 214 B.C. the Great Wall of China was built to keep it’s neighbors away. This wall is 3,800 miles long. This wall was over 30 feet tall.
4 th Interesting Fact On page 18 Stone Giants on Easter Island weighs as much as 1,000 men. That is a lot of weight! The biggest of the 600 figures weighs about 75 tons. That is more that 30 small cows!
5 th Interesting Fact On page 20 I read a very interesting fact. Ancient cities have been swallowed by the sea. This happens when the sea level rises and changes since the cities have been built.
6 th Interesting Fact I read on page 23 that there is a mountain range under the Atlantic Ocean. This mountain chain is 10,000 miles long. The mountains are forming from volcanic rock.
7 th Interesting Fact On page 26 I discovered that the rocks on the bottom of The Grand Canyon are 2 billion years old. The rocks were formed by sediments inside of glaciers.
8 th Interesting Fact On page 39 I learned that lava can be used to make an island bigger. Lava can form harbors and different landforms. To find out more about world wonders read this interesting, fun learning book