Choice and Control Transforming Adult Social Care
Choice and Control..What it means is that everyone who receives care and support, regardless of their level of need, in any setting, whether from statutory services, the third and community or private sector or by funding it themselves, will have choice and control over how that care and support is delivered. Vision:
Choice and Control – Background Government Papers:- Putting People First Transforming Social Care FACS criteria focuses on critical and substantial – little funding for prevention which can mean people become more dependent for longer (Transforming Social Care) Demographics – by 2026 the population of over 65s will increase by 56% from 96,500 to 151,000, which could further tighten the criteria The Wanless Review identified that the total spend on social care for older people would need to increase from £10.1bn in 2002 to £24bn by 2026 Worcestershire's financial constraints over the next three years will encourage us to be more creative Peoples growing expectations. They feel they can use the money to greater effect and for better value. Many people dont want the menu of services provided by Social Care. (Putting People First)
Choice and Control – What is it? Transforming Adult Social Care to focus on advocacy and brokerage, rather than assessment and gate keeping. Improved information, advice and advocacy for everyone Self directed support All individuals eligible will have a personal budget A clear upfront allocation of funding Focus on prevention rather than crisis More than simply giving people the money People shaping their own menu of support. Making more efficient use of the available money whilst building on community resources and informal networks Commissioning for outcomes
Choice and Control – What does it mean? Do it yourself Buy it yourself (Directly) Buy it with others (Indirectly) Buy it yourself (Indirectly) Buy it with others (Directly) Do it with others Have it done for you Self DirectedFacilitatedFully Supported Individual Budget The service user can spend their individual budget in a variety of ways, pick and mix